Prologue: Change

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Hermione POV:

I couldn't handle this anymore. Being in a relationship with Ronald and wanting to be involved with his brother. It's been on my mind for years. Pushing it all back, staying with him through everything, being his best friend and lover all at the same time. I just don't feel what he does and all I ever do is choke it all down. It's not right. I have such a want to change my fate, my future. God, I just need change.

Fred POV:

This isn't okay. She's dating Ronald. I can't do this to my own brother. But, I mean it's who I want to be with. After so many years of choking down my feelings, taking the back seat, dating those I had merely no interest in. I wanted to be with her. The beautiful, eligant and intelligent, Hermione Jean Granger. I have to change this.

Ronald POV:

I can see it in her eyes. She wants to be with him. Fred, my own brother. She doesn't love me like the way I love her. I wish I could let her see what I see, what I feel. But, I can't. I have to let her go, be free. I just don't want her to be with someone she doesn't love anymore. I want her to be in deep bliss, complete happiness. She needs her change.

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