Chapter Four: Love?

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Hermione POV:

He sat down next to me on the couch and I nearly lost all oxygen in my lungs. There's so much that has happened already today, am I really ready for all of these feelings to come out?

Shit, whatever, let's do this already.

"So, Fred. I, uh. I needed to talk to you about something. Something serious." I said. He flashed me a half smile and said, "Well, I assumed so when you asked. What's up, 'Mione?" as he set his tea down on the table beside him.

My hands shook slightly and I adverted my eyes down from his. I shoved both hands under the blanket and breathed rapidly. It took me a few seconds, but I quietly mumbled, "I-I think I'm in-love with you."

Without a moments notice, he quickly threw  the blanket off of me, picked me up and took us outside. Setting me down, we looked at the sunrise together. It was orange and slightly yellow. It was beautifully blended, like an artist had used watercolor to paint it upon the sky.

Fred broke the silence by deeply sighing. He talked, almost in whisper, "I know you are and I'm in-love with you too. Every part of you. Since Ronald brought you home, they've gotten stronger and deeper, my feelings for you. I just never thought I'd actually get a true moment with you. Or even a chance, for that matter," as he turned to look at me.

Fred POV:

She seemed to look at me with glistening eyes, as I finished my speech. Without thinking, I grabbed her chin and pressed my lips to hers. She quickly kissed back and I could feel her smile within the kiss. I pulled back for a second, to examine her face and she pushed herself back into me, as I smiled into the kiss also. I lifted her up so her legs hung on my hips and I broke the kiss, as she set her arms and head onto my shoulders. I carried her into the house and set her down on the couch once more, before sitting down next to her, putting her immediately into my arms and kissing her head. She cuddled into my chest and covered herself with the blanket, once more.

Things just changed. But for once, it was for the better.

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