Thanksgiving sure was awkward.

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Violet's POV

Thanksgiving sure was awkward. I didn't know how to handle Dave and David. I wanted the confusion to end!

It didn't help that when we began eating, the rival began as well.

"So, Dave," David began, placing some food on his fork, "I hear you're a hockey player. How long have you been playing?"

"Since elementary school." Dave answered.


"How long have you been running?" Dave placed his large elbows on the counter.

"Since I can remember I guess."

"When David learned how to walk, he was running." His mother butted in.

"I'm sorry about the legs. What happened again? I don't think Vi's told me about your accident?" The room seemed to become smaller and the air thicker to breath. Everyone was uncomfortable. I realized that I truly had not told Dave how David got into his accident and into a wheelchair. Only that he was drunk during Fall Break of last year. Wow, it's been a year now.

"I was partying too hard. Drove home intoxicated and got into an accident."

"Dang, sorry to hear that. Vi told me you got into USC per scholarship. Have they allowed you to keep it?"

"No ... I lost it."

Tristan cleared his throat.

"So what are your plans now?"

"Um ... I don't know yet. The legs will need some more time to heal but I'm thinking of going into accounting for the time being."

"Nice. At least you're staying focused."

"Yeah ... . What are you studying?"

"I'm mostly just doing a general studies. Hoping to go pro."

David scoffed.

"You don't think I can make it pro?" Dave questioned with testiness in his tone.

"No. That's a one percent chance of going pro pretty much for any sport."

"Or are you jealous that one percent isn't you for your sport?"

My stomach was in knots. I didn't know if I should say anything or do anything. Looking around at the others it felt like they were waiting for me to do something about the tension between the two boys.

"No. But not having a plan for a real career isn't smart when it comes to supporting a family."

"But being in a wheelchair is."

I wanted to get out of the room and lock myself up with Murdock and just forget about Dave and David.

"A wheelchair wasn't in the plan—"

"The plan to live a life of pursuing a sport? That's a little contradictive."

"I was hoping to study further at USC, not just run."

"You couldn't do that at Princeton?" The room was silent. No chewing or forks clinking plates.

"I don't feel like discussing this topic anymore." David declared.

"Fine. But don't try to correct past mistakes tonight."

They were talking about me.

"Vi doesn't need that."

"Dave." I said sternly, finally having had enough. "Please and thank you." I stood up and grabbed Murdock out of his high chair. I left the room with the silence still lingering.

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