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Hello readers!(I need a name for you guys hehe) wow 1000 views thank you guys so much. I didn't really expect This story to be successful but thank you guys so much! I am sorry that this isn't a chapter I am getting busy with my studies so I am very sorry I will try to update as soon as I can.And...happy Pi day!if you do not know what Pi day is its when the first three digits of Pi(3.142592)Mach a day and month and since it is march( the third month)and tomorrow is the 14 and this is the year it includes the 15( the year 2015 )it is super Pi day!this only happens in about 100 years so this is really cool. Make sure if you can, if you can't it's perfectly ok but if you can eat a slice of pie to celebrate this special occasion! I am really excited for this! ok anyways I will try to update and I'm sorry for not updating I have my studies and I am very busy with it but enjoy Pi day and see you text time! bye!

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