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TW: Panicking/hyperventilating, death, blood, thoughts of manipulation

Third Person POV
It had been a long day, very slow and dull, Ranboo had been wearing his armour all day due to the rain even though everyone time he stood outside in the armour, everyone still tried to get him to stay inside until the rain stopped since he still got small burns on his arms and his cheeks.

Ranboo didn't mind the small burns though they stung, a lot

Eventually the young boy had gone inside, mainly because of a headache he got from wearing the helmet for hours, it was made out of a heavy material after all- although it normally felt fine, so why did it feel different?

The half enderman had finally removed the armour, a bunch of cold hitting his skin, making him shiver yet sweat dripped down causing faint burns but not as bad as burns from the rain, the heat got worse, making him slightly dizzy—

Dizzy to the point he felt his breath as if it was slowly disappearing—

No one knew, no one had been to check on him, they had all been busy, too busy, Ranboo was sitting on the ground at this point, leaning against his front door, hyperventilating

"1.." he'd managed to mumble, he was going to try count but couldn't, Ranboo's vision blurred so he tried to grab whatever was nearby, little did he know that doing that would risk his life

The object was his axe, his axe from the council, the one that kills with just one hit, it fell, it hit him in the stomach, the pain long, aching, torture, luckily he managed to say on last thing as someone walked in, not knowing who "h..elp...."

The person he had seen before his death was dream, dreams hoodie now covered in the half ender's red blood, he laughed and watched Ranboo's body just lay there, he's seen Ranboo's limbo, it did include dream after all, well the voice of dream, it was torture, dream finally was able to use this against Ranboo while Ranboo's ghost was around, oh how innocent the ghost looked

||part 2 of this will be in the next chapter tomorrow 👁👁||

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