Train Station

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The rain poured down, battering the lonely train station. The wind howled at the trees, tearing the fiery leaves from their grasp. The thunder growled in the distance. As lightning lit up the scene in awe. It would definitely be a Halloween to remember.

The station's wooden frame creaked as it fought to stay upright. With peeling paint and cracked windowpanes, it held a feeling of nostalgia, longing for better days when it had once been bursting at the seams full of holidaymakers and locals heading for the city. But now run down and almost abandoned, it stood there quaking at the knees, hoping, praying that it would make it through the night.

Upon the platform stood a man, what he was doing there no one knew, surely he should know that the train never comes here anymore. The man stood there seemingly undeterred by the gale. Dressed from head to toe in black, like someone returning from a funeral, he waited, staring unwaveringly at the rusty tracks. His coat collar pulled up covering his lower face and his hat barely clinging to the skull created shadows across his eyes.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the green dragon appeared, rattling down the tracks at breakneck speed. Steaming, as it spat scarlet fire, towards the angry storm clouds. It screeched to a halt on the rusty tracks. Hesitantly the man looked about him, before hastily stepping on the train.

The first carriage held a feeling of warmth, as the lights lit up the carriage. Setting the world to rights with their boisterous chatter, a group of friends sat around a table at the far end of the Victorian looking carriage. The carriage was smoke-filled and the table full of half-drunken tankards. They spoke of everything and nothing all at once. It greatly contrasted the receding station the man had once stood on.

For some strange reason, the man walked on, despite the polite offers from the group of men to sit with them. The man relaxed as he entered the second carriage.

Seemingly empty, the carriage contained only a few small groups of 4 high backed chairs surrounding chipped wooden tables. The chairs were covered with a mix of materials. The extra padding in the chairs made them seem as if sitting in one might cause you to drown. But it gave the carriage an overall homely feel.

As the man walked through the carriage it became obvious that he wasn't alone. On the far left of the carriage, draped over two of the armchair-like seats, where two young lovers discussing their plans for the future. But as they spoke, unbeknownst, to them the weighty feeling of time consumed the carriage.

The man hurried into the third and final carriage of the train. Now this one was definitely empty, the man swiftly sat down. This carriage contained small groups of high backed, leather-bound chairs. Between each pair of chairs sat small beautifully polished tables, giving the carriage a business feel.

Now, this is where our story gets a little strange as that man was me and I never did leave that train.

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