"There's Something About Her....." Secrets Revealed!

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Me and Chapa were practicing how to fight because we got bored, then I suddenly heard my phone ring, "Bose The Silly Is Online" Yes, I named Bose that in my contacts, cuz ye he is a lil silly.

"Hey, Bose is online" I said

"On what?" asked Chapa

"I don't know, but should we join the call" I asked

"Sure, let's just join in case" said Chapa

While I was about to join the call, I accidentally clicked on something else

"Wait, why did I click on--" I started, then Chapa laughed, she was still kinda laughing when we joined the call but she stopped in a blink.

"Hey, guys!" said Bose, well, Brainstorm

"Are you on the news?" I asked

"We all are" said Bose, Mary welcomed us to her show

"I was here fiiiiirst!" said Frankini, suddenly popping in the call

"Go away!" said Mary

"Fine!" said Frankini, leaving the call

"Hey, I recognize you guys! You're Lula Elena Chapa De Silva, the girl whose phone was stolen by, a boy, and you are y/n y/l/n, the girl who was with her on the news" said Trent

I quickly put an arm around Chapas waist, calming her down since she was getting sad and mad at the thought of her stolen phone

"So, how do you two know Brainstorm?" asked Mary

"Uh, we're all in Danger Force together" said Bose


Chapa and I 😳 our eyes

"Wow" said Trent and Mary

"W-we're not in Danger Force" I said

"And even if we were in Danger Force, we wouldn't admit it, on the news, because then everyone would know our secret identities" said Chapa

"Ohhhhhh" said Bose

"So how do you guys know Brainstorm?" asked Trent

"He said they were friends" said Mary

"Friends, his words, not mine" said Trent

"Um, w-we know Brainstorm, because--" started Chapa

"I....Saved them" said Bose

"What? No! No--" I started

"Saucy! Were you guys utterly helpless and then Brainstorm swooped in and saved you?" asked Trent

"Did you guys stare into his comforting eyes, and breathlessly saved him? Did he give one of you a little smooch-a-roo?" asked Mary


"You can tell us, we're reporters" said Trent

"That's the whole problem why we don't really want talk" I said under my breath so no one heard me

"Spill the tea!" said Mary

"Well, she kissed me" said Bose, you're dead, dude

"Ok, nobody got kissed by anyone, so like, stop alright?" I said, getting a lil mad, and playing with this lil toy Schwoz gave to release stress

"Hey! Hello! Hi!" said Mika, well ShoutOut, coming in

"It's ShoutOut!" said Mary

"What are you doing here?" asked Trent

"Oh, I just popped by to make sure someone doesn't get angry" said Mika, oh yeah, we get it.

"Too late" Chapa and I said

"Wait, do you 3 know each other?" asked Trent

"Uh, yeah, we go to the same school" said Bose


"What school is it?" asked Mary

"What is the name again?" asked Bose

"That is not really any of your business" I said, trying to be as nice as possible, faking a smile

"Better question, Mary, where'd you get that shirt?" asked Mika

"Oh, from my closet, where I get all my clothes" said Mary

"Hey, sis!" Miles said while joining the call

"Hey, Miles!" said Bose

"I can't find my knitting needles anywhere, so I need you to help me and-- Are we on the news?" asked Miles

"Is she your sister?" asked Trent

"You called her 'sis" said Mary

"As in 'sister', your words, not mine" said Trent

"No! No, mm-mm-- Um, I meant sis like-- My 'Sista'!" said Miles

"My brotha!" said Mika, sarcastically laughing

"Oh" Trent and Mary said

"You sure you don't wanna interview me?" asked Frankini, popping in the call

"Yes!" said Mary

"Are all 4 of you guys in the news without me again? We talked about this! All interview requests need to go through me! It's not because I need attention. I know that's what you're thinking. It's for another reason cuz-- Oh, hello, there, strangers" said Ray, coming in transformed and realizing not all of us are transformed.

"So, how do you know these 3?" asked Trent

"Uhh, well, I mean, I- I don't" said Ray

Mika then saved our butts by calling in an emergency, and we all left the call

Chapa and I went back to practicing how to fight, but she 'accidentally' dropped on me and tackled me in a hug 😂 


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