Riding Selling A Horse?, Breakfast, Talking, Bringing In, Dinner, and Talking

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I snuck down the stairs with my Cowboy boots in my hand. 

I stopped on the landing where the pictures of Wild horses is. 

I continued down the last few steps. 

I quietly crept across the Living Room to the front door. 

I opened the front door. 

I opened the screen door, leaving the front door open. 

I left it open because it makes too much noise when you close it. 

The screen door closed itself. 

Insects were chirping. 

I sat down on the porch steps. 

I pulled my blue denim jeans up. 

I slid my Cowboy boots on. 

I pulled my blue denim jeans over them. 

I first started to briskly walk over to the barn. 

I then ran to the barn. 

I grunted, pushing open one of the heavy barn doors. 

I flicked on the light. 

I laughed softly when I saw all the horses. 

They were quietly huffing and whining. 

"Who wants to go running?" 

I picked my horse, Chariot. 

I knew Katy doesn't ride him since she has Flicka. 

I know Katy rides all of the horses to get them out of the barn every once in a while, since Dad won't. 

I rode out of the barn on Chariot. 

I laughed, feeling exhilarated to be riding Chariot again. 

I forgot how it felt to be riding a horse. 

I rode him to a secluded part of the Ranch. 

I was laying out on a wide, long, and strong tree branch. 

Chariot sniffed a yellow flower. 

He was eating grass. 

I sighed heavily. 

"Guess I can't avoid the inevitable." 

I got up off the wide, long, and strong tree branch. 

"Got to face him some time." 

I got back on Chariot. 

I was riding him back to the barn. 

Chariot neighed nervously. 

"What is it, Chariot?" 

He started neighing loudly. 

"Hold on!" I ordered, since I tried to get a good grip on him so I didn't fall off. 

Chariot was making that impossible. 

I gasped as he bucked me off him. 

I grunted as I hit the ground. 

"Chariot!" I called his name. 

Chariot ran off. 

I heard vicious growling a distance from behind me. 

I looked over. 

It was a Mountain Lion. 

I gasped as I saw it. 

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