Chapter 2

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-Author's Note:
Song mentioned is Bad Example by Pistol Annies-

"Welcome Starla Night to the stage!" Announced the MC.

The normal butterflies flutter in my stomach before I entered stage left. The bright lights making me sweat more than what I already was. My groupies were already cheering. When I stepped onto the stage it all melted away there were no more nerves no more butterflies no more fright.

I'm the band started playing the music for my new song.

I took a breath to steady myself, and I let loose on the crowd.

"Somebody had to set a bad example
Teach all the prim and propers what not to do
Nobody around here wants to ramble
What the hell, that's what I was born to do

Those swanky big brick houses don't amuse me
I live in a trailer but I drive a Cadillac
I ain't never tried to impress nobody
With my "Honk if you're horny" sticker on the back

Somebody had to set a bad example
Teach all the prim and propers what not to do
Nobody around here wants to ramble
What the hell, that's what I was born to do

All of the girls that I grew up with went to college
Their rich daddies bought them a degree
But I'm a third generation bartender
Yeah, and I like livin' from a tip jar week to week

Somebody had to set a bad example
Teach all the prim and propers what not to do
Nobody around here wants to ramble
What the hell, that's what I was born to do

Somebody had to set a bad example
Teach all the prim and propers what not to do
Nobody around here wants to ramble
What the hell, that's what I was born to do

Somebody had to set a bad example
Teach all the prim and propers what not to do
Nobody around here wants to ramble
What the hell, that's what I was born to do

I said, what the hell, that's what I was born to do"

The moment the crowd started screaming and applauding I knew that I had I hit on my hands.

I sang a few other songs on my set before exiting the stage the cheers following me. The grin on my face couldn't be wiped off. I knew that I had nailed that nights show.

I could hear the crowd yelling "encore encore encore". This excited me even more. The stage manager went into his watch indicating that I didn't have enough time to go back out on stage.

"Sorry folks," The MC yelled over the screams of the crowd. "But that's all the time we have for tonight, Starla will be returning again next weekend."

There were a few boo's that erupted from some of the people they weren't happy that I wasn't coming back out.

I was still grinning when I left the club.

I had ditched the sunglasses and the wig before I exited the bar just in case I would run into any of my friends.

"Kelli!" my friend Charles rang out.

"Hey Charlie," I yelled back at him.

"We had no idea you were coming tonight or we would've sat with you," Charlie said to me excitedly. "Did you see that show that girl is amazing!"

"Yeah she's alright," I smiled at him I didn't want to sound cocky.

"Are you kidding me she blew me completely away!" Charlie beamed at me.

"Yeah she's good," I agreed with him.

Charlie looped his arm through mine.

"What are you doing tonight?" He asked me.

"I figured I'd go home and study a little bit I'm falling behind in some of my classes," it wasn't a lie I was falling behind in my physics class.

Why I was taking physics to begin with I didn't know.

"Damn I was having you come out with us!" Charlie pouted.

"I'm sorry I wish I could," I said genuinely.

"Maybe next weekend," Charlie let go of my arm.

"I'll check my schedule I promise," I high-fived him before he walked away.

Hearing one of my friends doting over my music shocked me back to reality. I was lying to them again. I had lied to them every weekend for the last six months. I always made up an excuse about going home or doing more homework or extra credit work or catch-up work.

I wanted more than anything for Charlie to know that it was me up on stage.

"Hey Charlie!" I yelled out before he got too far away. "Why don't you stop by my dorm tomorrow so we can talk a little?"

"Sure I'll stop by," Charlie looked at me confused.

It wasn't unusual for him to stop by my dorm, unannounced, but it was very rare for me to invite him over.

I gave him one last smile before I flagged down a taxi.

Charlie gave me away before he caught up with his other friends. I could hear them hooping and hollering about how wonderful Starla was. A ball of guilt formed in the pit of my stomach. I was feeling really terrible that Charlie didn't know was me up on stage.

I knew that I could trust him, with anything, and he wouldn't go blabbing to everybody but the secret was huge. I was hoping that I really could trust him this time.

He knew that I hadn't taken a barista part-time job but he kept up the idea for my parents when ever they were around him.

Charlie just thought I was lazy. And he didn't want my parents cutting me off completely since he never grew up with his. As a former foster child Charlie knew what it was like to not have a family and he didn't want me losing mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2015 ⏰

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