More than friends

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The next day Kakashi was only focused on Nagomi all day. "Something's wrong with Kakashi."Naruto said." I'll tell you what is wrong with him he's in love." Sasuke said. While Naruto,Sakura, and Sasuke were talking Kakashi left them and to visit Nagomi. "How do I explain this to her?"Kakashi thought. "Hi Kakashi!!"Nagomi said while running to him. She started to kiss him over and over again. "Nagomi I have something to tell you." Kakashi said. "Really I do to ."Nagomi said. "Can you tell me what you want to say ?" Kakashi said " I've been thinking, and I hope you'll say yes but can we be more than friends?" Nagomi said "You mean like a girlfriend... If that's what you're asking me it's a yes!!" They both smiled at each other , blushed,and kissed.

Kakashi's GirlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now