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The song has nothing to do with this chapter it just a really good song but I can't get that tiktok of gogy out of my head anyway on with the chapter

Y/ns pov

"Who was that?" I say while trying to catch my breath  "thats Quackity" "dose he Bully you or something? " I ask "no I just like teasing him" "Karl why'd you run ?" Quackity asks as he turns the corner "because I can" " says who? " He ask  " me"
"Hi I'm sapnap" the  familiar boy from earlier comes up to me and says trying to block out the other twos bickering  "y/n" I say back "nice to meet you y/n I'm guessing you met Karl and Quackity?" He asked "Karl yes, Quackity no" I say back to sapnap " ok well I introduce you. Alex stop fighting with Karl and get your ass over here " "coming" he says while rolling his eyes "yes pandas" he says while smiling at me " this is y/n, y/n,Quackity , Quackity,y/n " " nice to meet you" " and to you too"


" Shit I can't be late again or else miss puffy will kill me
( I'm going to be using some of the adult role models from the smp as teachers only because I'm lazy and don't really want to come up with names) coming Q? " sapnap said part at the end while running down the hall "yea uh bye" Quackity says really quickly the sprinting after sapnap
"We should probably go too Mr Minecraft hates when your tarty" (I feel like Phil would say tardy instead of late lol)

✨5 minute time skip to when you walk into class✨

"Ma lady" Karl said while opening the door and doing a small gesture "thank you kind sir" I say while walking in Karl right behind me "Mr Jacobs you late!" "Told you he hates when your late" Karl whispers to Me before speaking up " yes sorry I was just trying to show miss y/n here the  way " "alright as long as you are not late again I will not give a tarty slip now please take your seats both of you" "yes sir" you and Karl said in sink
"Come you can sit by me and some of My friends if you want" Karl said while grabbing my hand and pulling me to the back of the class " oh ok" "oooooo someone's in Trouble" a group of boys chanted as we walked up to them who I assumed Where Karls friends "oh shut up you know damn well how confusing the hallways are Anyway this is y/n" "hi" you say in a small voice trying not to attract more attention towards yourself and the others " nice to meet you y/n I'm skeppy that's badboyhalo bad for short that's dream and George ,punz, And minx" "nice to meet you all " you say after being interdused to everybody

✨time skip to end of school because I don't want to write what happens in all of the classes ✨

You were standing outside waiting for your mom to pick you up and Karl comes up to you
"Hey y/n" " oh hey Karl what's up ?" " Nothing much I just thought I'd come and talk with you " "oh ok are you waiting for your mom to pick you up as well ?" " No I'm getting a ride with dream but he's still in the school getting some last minute things from his locker I'd usually have my car but it's in the shop right now " "oh ok and if you don't mind me asking what happened to your car ?" " Oh it's no problem um so basically I let gorge drive it and I kind of forgot that he was colorblind and he ended up crashing it in to a street light" ¨color blind bitch "  " thats what sapnap sai-"  Karl started talking but got  interrupted "y/n get in or were going to be late for your doctor's appointment " " coming sorry but I got to go I'll talk to you tomorrow bye karl " you saying while waving and running to your car ¨bye¨ karl said back
"Hi mom " as you get in " hi hun how was your day " "it was good"  " that's good who was that boy you were talking to hmmm" "he's just a friend mom now can we just go please" "yes"

Hii i hope you liked this chapter
This took so long to write but anyway how was your day
Did you eat?
Did you drink water ?
Did you take your meds (if you need them?)
If no to any of those then please do them and if it's night time for you ( like it is for me it's literally 1:50 In the morning) then go to sleep if you need it
Anyway that's everything for now gn/gm 


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