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A/N: this is a force sensitive reader insert of a bit of chapter 8, hope u enjoy, basically y/n's been bounty hunting with mando for ages, she knows his name and she's been with him all of season 1 (but not like dating if ya know what i meaen)

Warnings: blood, guns, swearing, bad grammar cos i have no heart for checking this rn

Word count: 1607

'I will give you until nightfall if you want to negotiate.' Gideon says calmly.

If there's one thing you hate more than Moff Gideon, it's being trapped by Moff Gideon. You cross your arms and turn toward the only way out - the guarded way out. 'Fuck you, you bastard!' To your satisfaction, there's no reply, and you twist to face the others. They stare back at you, and you look away, until finally, chewing on your lip, you turn to Mando. For a moment, you're struck by how his helmet still shines in the dark of the cantina you're trapped in. The cantina which will be blown to bits by an E web at nightfall. Scrubbing a hand over your eyes, you speak. 'No one here is going to give in, are they? We're as good as dead. Our only hope is that the child is safe.'

Mando switches on the comm. 'Kuiil?'

The kid's cooing and a few blaster shots crackle through the speaker. You tense, and a metallic clunk sounds. 'Kuiil is terminated.' IG - 11's voice says. 'I am now carrying out my primary function.'

Your hunting partner's fist tightens around the comm. 'Which is?'

'To nurse and protect. I am coming.' The link goes dead.

'Okay,' you sigh, relaxing onto one of the benches. 'The only way out is up through the window and the door, in the E web's range. Anyone have any tricks up their sleeves or are we dead meat?'

You hear a low hum, and Mando turns around slowly, one of the sensors in his helmet buzzing. 'There's a sewer grate over there,' he says, pointing to a bench. It's one of the many things you love about him; if he's stuck, he'll always take a step back and assess the situation from another perspective. Cara runs over to the bench and yanks it away, revealing a large vent. She pulls on it, but it's stuck fast.

'I'm out of charges,' Mando says, checking his belt for those crazy bleeping bomb things which have saved both yours and Mando's life multiple times.

'Stand back,' she mutters, pulling her rifle off her back and sending a few rounds into the metal. It heats up red, but doesn't budge. The ex - soldier sighs. 'Dead it is, I guess.'

'Fine,' you sigh. 'Then I'm going outside to deal with Gideon.'

You make it halfway up the steps in front of the door before a strong grip closes around your arm. You turn, looking right into the depths of Mando's visor.

'Please don't,' he says quietly. 'Who knows what he'll do with you?'

'Din,' you murmur. 'I've got the Force. I might die today, but you won't. As soon as I step out of that door, you use my distraction and run with the kid.'

'No,' he says, shaking his head. 'I won't let you.' His voice breaks. 'Y/N, we've been huntng together for more than five years. I - I can't lose...'

Smiling sadly,  you rise onto the balls of my feet, and kiss where his cheek would be if it weren't for the helmet, wishing you'd had more time with him, had more time to tell him about the feelings you harboured for him in the secret parts of your heart. 'I love you.' You whisper, then you pull yourself from his grip and stride through the door, closing it behind you, separating you from the man in the armour who stood, stunned by those three small words which together were so big.

Din Djarin/Mando/The Mandalorian: One Shots, Imagines, etc.Where stories live. Discover now