Chapter 1

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Tessas POV

I wake up, then i stumble out of bed and text Beck before i oovoo Riley and Ella. A few rings later i see Rileys face appear and on the other side i see the turquoise wall in Ellas bedroom, with the headboard at the bottom of the screen. In Ellas room she has one wall turqouise, the one behind her bed and the rest lavender and black. Shes probably away from her laptop at the moment.

"Hi riley, good morning reli" i greet Riley on the other line.

"hey tey-sa hahah how are you" Riley's hoarse and sexy voice replys me and i know it sounds weird to say that but its low and raspy and i wished i sounded like that when i wake up, its perfect.

"I'm fine thanks. Ugh ella where did ya go?" i ask the picture of ellas room from my phone, shes still absent from me and Riley's conversation, she's like this every monday, i love my friends.

"Haha ya, ella where do you go?" Riley muses "typical Ella, typical monday, i'm kinda getting bored with it, not that i don't love peek-a-boo with ella which i do love. Its just that apart from this, things are the same, small differences but the same, its boring" Riley pauses then says "we could always leave, see the differences in other places from where we are" Riley is so weird, what is she ranting about we live in the state of Califonia there's literally nothing we haven't seen. But i totally understand, staying in one place is safe, adventuring is fun, but exploring and discovering its something you can't just claim as fun or safe or take someones word for it, you have to discover and find out for yourself. Even though i know what Riley means, why she saying this?

"what do you mean? i mean why are you suddenly talking about leaving and discovering and stuff?" i question

"I don't know, sometimes I just say what I'm thinking out loud." Riley laughs.

"I've noticed." I agree, then I see Ella's face pop out of nowhere

"Hey guys, whatcha wearing today" Ella's exclaims in a cheery voice

"Finally, Tessa! she lives, she's alive! Hahaha" Riley mocks Ella and exclaims

"Psh, shut up riley" Ella laughs along. I love my friends.

"I'm wearing, black and white converse, ripped boyfriend jeans, red black flannel and a batman tee" riley says

"Ooh cute and totally you but ditch the flannel."Ella advises "I'm wearing black skinny jeans, grey low cut converse, grey long thin sweater styled shirt haha I still don't know what it's actually name" Ella explains than shows us

"Um I don't know, give me a sec. Well since ur all wearing converse I will wear my grey high cut ones, so were all tied together, my dark denim ripped skinny jeans and my Cousins WU sweater" I pick clothes out of my closet while screaming at my phone so they can still hear me.

"I like it. We'll be twining without being lame." Riley states my exact intensions.

"Love it. But you still have Jackie's sweater, really are you planning on giving it back anytime soon?" Ella questions

"No. I love this sweater!" I put a hand over my chest as if she stabbed me.

"Sorry! Its just a sweater" Ella's voice changes and she sounds a bit bitchy, when it comes to clothes her opinion is most important to her. But I love my friends.

"Chill ella." Riley senses ella defensiveness over a sweater and saves my ass. Riley will always save my ass, she's that type of person, she's literally allies with everyone so everyone loves her and mostly everyone listens to her cuz she's chill and usually right.

"Sorry I just don't think u should..... Never mind see you guys at school" we all say goodbye.

"And ella don't forget my study notes" I remind her cause she always borrows my study notes.

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