Meeting the Crew

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Let me tell you something.

I get car sickness very easily, so when I'm told we have a two hour drive ahead of us, I ain't happy.

Let me tell you how I ended up halfway out a window, blinded by marker on my glasses.


Flashback brought to you by the hippocampus


"The frock is an Avenger?" Day says. Looks like Day came out of her thoughts. I'm surprised she stayed calm while she was there. Last time she was flipping out and bit me when she came out. Fury gave her a look that said 'shut up'.

After a slight stare down between Day and Fury, he spoke. "The Avengers are a group of extraordinary people with extraordinary abilities." He handed us a brief case that seemed to be quite heavy for him. Day took it with ease, much to Fury's surprise. I smirk and choose my words carefully.

"I knew we were good at hiding our secrets, but even a secret organization with no doubt, information on everyone, doesn't know everything about us. We're good." At the end I smirked and drew out the last word. Jordan leaned her elbow on my shoulder and smirked with me, while I crossed my arms. Fury shot us a look.

I open the briefcase and look at the contents. What I see disappoints me. Just a bunch of files and pictures. I ask "Who do we have on this team of extraordinary people?"

"A spy and her apprentice, a weird kid who wants to be a ninja, don't ask," he must've seen my face and the questioning look on it, "a super soldier, a hulk, iron man, hopefully a God, and some reckless twenty-one year olds whom call me a pirate."

"Either you mean us as that last one or someone took my nickname for you." Nobody but me and Day can call him a pirate! Nobody! Wait, hold up. "We never said we would join." I narrow my eyes at Fury.

"You already took the briefcase, so you joined." Dang it, why must briefcases be so mysterious?! "Now follow me to the car."

We made our way to a jeep type thing and got in. "Can I have some sunglasses? It's too bright for me, I kinda am a living representation of night." Fury hands me some shades for the apparently two hour drive ahead. The only way for me to avoid getting sick is to fall asleep.

Very bad decision.




Apparently, Day had a Sharpie in her pocket the entire time, and decided she was gonna draw on my sunglasses. I also, apparently, press buttons while I'm asleep, meaning I opened my window.

Fury had gone on some business trip for an hour and wasn't in the car. We were with some dude called 'Coulson'. He didn't seem to mind me being drawn on. In fact, I'm pretty sure he enjoyed me being drawn on.

Imma skip the rest of the trip because it was boring, just me thinking I turned blind and Day cracking up about it.

~~~After Trip~~~

I finally got out of that blasted vehicle called a car!

When we took a rest stop, me and Day changed into our suits and masks, and I almost threw up.

That would've been nasty.

Anyway, we were now at the Helicarrier, as Fury called it. We had taken a helicopter from the car to the deck, which was cool. Wait, why didn't we just use a helicopter instead of a car?

(The world may never know.)

Who's there?

(Shoot! I broke the fourth wall! Just continue what you were doing... um... BYE!)

Okay, that was weird. Anyway, Coulson was leading us to the conference room to meet the others. Some of the people sound kinda weird, others sound cool. But hey! You can never judge a song by its title.

I was spacing out and Day was secretly telling ghosts to haunt people when we both ran into a wall. We don't do well with walls, so we exchanged looks and did something not quite logical.

We kicked through the wall, then strutted into the conference room like we owned it. Everyone inside looked mildly surprised by our entrance.

"Who are you?" The shy looking dude is the first to utter any words in the stillness of the room. I analyze him and his past and almost break down. Poor guy has to deal with a monster inside him.

"These are the Wicked Girls. Girls, this is Dr. Bruce Banner." I send a mental image of his past to Day to inform her to be nice to him. She slightly nods her head as an indication she understands. We smile warmly at Bruce.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Bruce, may I say your work on Gamma radiation is truly impeccable. I've always wondered, what is your IQ?" I reach out my hand and Bruce takes it in a surprised manner.

"My IQ is 226, if you wanna know. You don't take me as a science person." He seems surprised by my informative manner.

I have a higher IQ than Bruce Banner! HA!

"Big whoop, Night has an IQ of 231. Really super smart." Day says it in an exasperated manner. Everyone looks to me in shock, even that weird kid in the shadows. Oh, that must be the ninja Fury was talking about!

I simply roll my eyes at Days antics and smile kindly at everyone. I analyze them and am shocked to find I know someone in this room. A woman with red, wavy, shoulder length hair approaches me with a passive expression. Behind her trailed a blond girl dressed in a similar suit as the woman in front of her.

"Agent Natasha Romanoff, pleasure to meet you." She reaches out her hand as I do the same. She has a strong grip. I can tell from her memories that this team is the last hope she has for finding the one she loves.

I smile at her and as I released my grip, looked to the girl behind her. She was around my height, if not shorter, with shoulder length dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. She waved at me with a bright smile, "I'm Ellie." She says this brightly. I smile back and wave as well.

A tall blonde man with muscles to spare and baby blue eyes marches up to me. He smiles gently down at me before speaking. "Evening ma'am, Steve Rogers at your service." So this is the frozen soldier. I smile back at him.

"Evening to you too sir, Wicked Night ready to fight." I salute him and turn to look at Coulson.

"This everyone?" I question, raising my left brow in the process.

"Not quite," he replies.


Flippin comment people! Anyway, what do you think? Like it so far? Don't forget the contest! As always, remember to...



And Spread The Word!

Peace out rainbow trout! Baaaaiiiii!

P.S. I don't own the Avengers or Jordan, but I own everyone else so don't steal.

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