warnings disclaimer notes etc.

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Chaos is genderless.

Address as they/them.

No one dead is getting revived.
(Sorry Luke.)

Chaos does not need to defeat order, end, or void. In my story they are all split personalities.

Percy will do alot of cussing/cursing /swearing whatever you call it.

Percy hasn't exactly been recruited for chaos' army.  More like he stumbled on it by accident. And chose to stay.

This fanfic features a dark Percy and he appears to not be bound to his fatal flaw. But who can tell?

Chaos is a little strange but when is he not?

I will try to update the first three to four chapters today then after that, I will update once every week.

I hope you enjoy the story. I've been watching a lot of anime Abridgements and like they say at the end of the video: please comment vote and follow me if you like the story. Don't hesitate to share your opinion!

I don't own Percy Jackson. Just any of my own characters who may appear (probably as cameos since I'm working on a book that takes pkace years after Percy's death).

Fallen Angel (A Semi- Dark Percy Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now