chapter 2

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"So I heard you got into some shit again" Percy said putting on sunglasses that Chaos gave him.

" what a filthy mouth! Demeter remarked. "He's right though", Ares said looking up from his phone.

Athena smacked him.

Hades looked happy about something.  Percy smirked recalling seven years ago how Hades had done a 180 on their relationship from enemies to friends.
"Oh Chaos? Is my, ahem, friend still around?" Percy asked suddenly not even addressing the Olympians for permission first.

"Oh right" chaos snapped their fingers. After a second a boy with seemingly black eyes appeared next to Percy also wearing a trench coat albeit the color was black at his waist hung a Stygian iron sword. Hades blinked reminding himself that Nico was in Japan on a mission for Thanatos.
The boy's tosseled black hair had white bangs and his entire outfit was in a monochromatic color scheme.
"Oh my name is Amadeus Harlequinade", he smiled sporting a cheshire catlike grin.
"I am a son of Erebos. Wassup"

"So The son of Gaia is rising. With him a few titans-" Demeter started.

" Yes we know we'll be returning to camp Half-Blood now" Percy interrupted. And chaos teleported them there.

Walking up to the camp borders he recalled his betrayal.

A son of Nemesis had shown up the day prior and Percy hadn't cared about that. However the boy could use a little humility and duct tape for his mouth he guessed.
That boy was named Benjamin Lexington. And he was turning everyone left and right to have disputes with each other. At first it started small. Then it got heavily violent. Many Aphrodite children found their makeup stashes ruined or filled with water or given some plant poison that would ruin their skin. Lots of Aphrodite children would run around switching out clothes or leaving none at at all for other campers.
The Hermes cabin was untouched for a time but that changed when most of the Ares cabin lost their weapons. Naturally they retaliated with deadly force.

Percy and Annabeth were watching. And they tried to stop Benjamin but found themselves having fights more often and it took longer and longer for Annabeth to apologize or accept his apologies. Nico was almost never at his cabin thus spared of the chaos. Percy thought about asking him to help but as he was on his way back to his cabin a Ares camper came from behind stabbing him under the claim of revenge for his girlfriend's cabin being flooded. Much to Percy's confusion.

Percy left to visit his mom only to learn that she was in the hospital after being discovered to have a cancer. Visiting her everyday made him feel like he was trapped. He wanted someone to confide in. And against all his instincts, went back to camp.

He would have given anything to stop himself from throwing the knife at Annabeth. Even though she threw it at him first. "You left without telling me!" She had screamed. Percy blinked and wondered if she was in shock. He had unintentionally just stabbed her in the arm. He was in a bad mood and Mr. D bothering him was not helping. He didn't know what Mr. D wanted but it was nothing in comparison to yelling at him to take charge and help out Chiron.
He ended up almost killed for crossing the line with Mr. D. And he fled camp but couldn't go to his mom's place Paul had enough problems raising 4 year old Estelle alone.

Percy slammed straight into a boy? A girl? Whoever they were they were transgender or something. But what was strange was what they said. "Ooh my avatar found you eh? Well my name is cha-- Camilia and I would like you to point me to Mt. Olympus, oh can we get a snack on the way?" They said leaning on Percy's arm slightly. Percy stared at "Camilia" before mumbling a half hearted "sure" he did not want to go there of all places.
~Flashback end~

Percy walked around camp unsurprised by the additional cabins courtesy of Jason's last wish.
But Annabeth dropping her books on him was not something he was ready for.

That was probably pitiful. At least it was longer right? Ok I'll do better next chapter.

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