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Before I begin this story, I wanted to say that I know it's going to be short because I ran out of ideas to put in this first chapter. Anyways enjoy!

"Fuck, Nick. Why'd you have to take me out of there so soonnn." Clay said. Nick was dropping Clay off from picking him up at a bar after getting several calls from Clay laughing and hiccuping from drinking.
"Dude what the hell were you thinking? You could've gotten hurt or— or something bad could've happened to you WHILE drunk! Are you fucking crazy?"
"Nick, calmmm down. See, I'm fineeee. Don't worry about meeee." He kept saying words long. He started yawning while giggling.
"Alright, Alright. It's time to put you to bed Clay. It's been a long day. Especially for you." Nick helped Clay go upstairs and to his room. As soon as Clay got there, he fell on the bed smiling.
"You think you're gonna be alright, Clay?"
"Yeah, yeah. Gooooo home," Clay starts laughing. "I sounded like a cow."
Nick chuckles. "Are you positive you're going to be okay?"
"Yesssssss. Now go homeeee," Clay says while yawning.
"Alright, alright. Just making sure. Goodnight, man." Clay didnt have the opportunity to answer because he was falling fast asleep. Nick took Clay's shoes off and put a blanket on him before he left. As soon as Nick left, Clay was gone.
"Where the hell am I?" Clay shouted.
"Stop shouting. It's annoying. And I could ask you the same thing. Who are you ?" Said a voice. Clay has never heard that voice before.
"The question is, who are you?" Clay replied.

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