First day

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( a/n) hey, so your a new student at true cross and your best freand kiera already was going here for a while.
oh and your really shy

You let out a small sigh " ok first day at true cross" you say to your self as you walked in to your class ~ hey k sorry sick cant go to school~ kiera texted you ' oh lovely the only person I know is not coming .... And no ones here well best day ever' you thout to your self as you sat down and pulled out (f/b) (( favorite book))
Befor you knew it some people started walking in you looked up to see a guy with bubble gum pink hair. "hey~" earlbubble gum said ( hehe) " i am shima and you" are he looked at you to finish his sentence. "oh I am (f-f/n), (f/n) (l/n)" you said scratching the back of head " oh this is kone~ you know what why don't I just introduce you to every one" Shima said looking a little to excited. " oh um that's fine I believe that's the-" shima cut you off "haha nope it's mine" he laughed as he grabbed your arm. ' I could- no let's not punch some one on the first day ' I thought as shima dragged me to the the middle table "HEY GUYS" shima yelled causing every one to turn there heads 'oh shit I have 3 options 1) quick escape 2) fight my was out 3) serenader.... I like option 2 but I probably should learn who I am dealing with first' as you escaped your thoughts there was a small group of people around you. " Guys this is ( f/n) (l/n)" shima smiled a little creepily. " hello (f/n) I am shimi" a pretty blond girl said as she extended her hand " I would love to be your friend" she said with a big smile. " oh hi shimi I would love to be your friend" you smiled shaking her hand. " hey, I am Rin,Rin Okumura" he said with a maybe to big a smile. " oh hello Rin" you replied " I am konekomaru" a short guy with red glasses and a buss cut hair stile. "Oh he~ holy" you ware being pulled again by gust who.... shima you decided to see ware he would take you he stop in front of a tall guy with brown hair but a blond streak down the middle. " Ryuji this is (f/n) (f/n) Ryuji" shima introduced the two of you while at the same time pushing you two together " hey" Ryuji said then walked to his seat. "Soooo... ( f/n) you got a phon-" shima was intruder by Ryuji well stepping should be a understatmint. " WHAT THE HELL BON" shima yelled. you cocked your head " bon?" You said with a light pink going a crossed your face. " oh is a nick name shima gave me..." Ryuji said with some red coming to his checks. it made you giggle ' that explains Kiera's continuous use of the word Bon-Bon' the thought made you smile. Finally the teacher walked it " ok class lets get started" he said then noticed you " hello Ms. ( l/n) how about you intrudes your self to the class" you nodded " I am ( f/n) (l/n) I am a dragoon ( plz tell me that's the one with the guns) " you said pretty quickly and shuffled back to your seat. " Ok so today's lesion is bla bla bla"
~~~ the fabulous time skip~~~ ( after class)
"Yo, ( f/n ) wait up" Shima came running up to you ' this guy what the hell' " Soooo your number is that still a option?" He asked ' -_- really my f- ing number loud sigh eye roll' ' "umm sure" you dint really want to give it to him but you did any way. ' What the hell am I doing' you thought as you give him your digits ( deal with it)
~~ bonni boys pov~~~
' bloody hell is shima still trying to get (f/n) number why would a girl that pretty ever fall for that asshole I mean come on.... wait did I gust think that she was pretty.... ' I was thinking to my self as shima came back " so did you get her number" I asked thinking that I know the answer " yup" he nodded with a smug look ' WHAT THE HELL HOW.... WHAT..... WHY' I thought as a sigh escaped my lips " why do you ask do you like her" Shima's face got a little to interested. " no... just wanted to know" I tried to change the subject " what class do we have next". I asked knowing what it was " man its p.e" shima looked irritated.

( A/N) hey do you like the story so far? Sorry I haven't been working on it 4 a wile and 55 PEOPLE READ THIS YAAA.i know that's not a lot of people but hey I is happy :3

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