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I walked into the living room and walked over to Johnny. I crouched down to his eye level, he was still laying on the couch.

"What did you say to him?" Johnny asked, upset.

"Uh... nothing, Johnny. It's fine," I said.

"No, it ain't fine. What do you got against Dal?" He snapped.

"He isn't a good influence, Johnnycake. I don't want you to end up like him."

"Dal' is the smartest guy I know, y/n! So what if he's been locked up a few times? He's not all bad, he watches out for us," he said.

"Well, yeah, I guess. But, he's not a good person, John'. I know he's nice to us and the gang and all, but he's always getting thrown in the cooler! The guys at the station know him by name, Johnny, that's not good."

"I don't care! He's my best friend," he snapped.

"I'm sorry, Johnny. I just don't like him and I don't think you should be hangin' around him. I'm just trying to look out for you."

"I know..."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. But can you not yell at him anymore?"

"I'll try," I said.

"He's really not that bad," Johnny said.

I didn't answer. 

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"I'm gettin' better," he said.

"That's good. Do you need anything?"


"Alright, I'm gonna go shower."

"Okay." He turned his attention back to the television which was playing Mickey, like always. 

I took a hot shower and then walked back towards the living room. I heard the door slam and got confused, no one usually stops in at this time. When I walked in, Johnny was sitting up and no one was there.

"Who was here?" I asked.

"Two-Bit," he answered, plainly.

"What did he want?"

"Just checkin' in," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. He always did that when he was lying.



"Why was Two-Bit here?" I asked again.

"Told you, he was just checkin' in," he said, rubbing his neck again. Johnny was a real bad liar.

"Johnny just tell me."

Johnny sighed. "He said Tim Shepard talked to him and told him about a rumble goin' on tomorrow. Grease verse Soc, big deal," he explained.

I sighed. I hate rumbles.

"That's why I kept my trap shut, I knew you would get mad."

"I'm not mad. It's better knowing that you won't fight this time," I said.

Johnny looked down, suspiciously.


He said nothing.

"Johnny, no! You're not gonna fight after you just got jumped!"

"I gotta! Tim said they need all the greasers they can get, man! I gotta fight."

"No way! Look at you! Surprised your leg ain't broken!" I shouted.

"I gotta, y/n."

"No you don't gotta! You haven't even got up off that couch except to use the bathroom twice," I pointed out.

"I'll be fine by tomorrow night."

"I don't care, you're staying here."

"Y/n, I have to fight! We can't let those Socs win!" 

"No. You're not fighting, Johnny. That's final."

"You ain't the boss of me, y/n. I know you're tryna protect me and all, but I gotta fight!" 

"You can't! It's enough seeing everyone else come home all beat up and bloody but you already did yesterday! I don't want you hurt again, Johnny!" 

Then, Ponyboy and Two-Bit walked in the house, arguing about something. 

"Hey," Ponyboy said, cheerfully. Then he realized I was upset and he got confused. 

"Can you please tell Johnny that he can't fight tomorrow night in some huge rumble?" I snapped.

"I gotta!" Johnny cried. 

"Sorry, Johnny, but I kinda agree with y/n," Ponyboy says.

"Thank you."

"I don't. Greasers gotta be tuff, man. So what if you're in a little pain? You gotta do what you gotta do," Two-Bit disagrees.

"I don't want him to get hurt more," I snapped.

"Come on, y/n! I can't let them down," Johnny says.

"Okay, how 'bout this? Johnny'll go but I'll keep an eye on him, 'kay? I'll make sure he doesn't get pounded on by 6 guys at once, ya dig?" Two-Bit says.

I sighed. "Fine."

"Thanks, man," Johnny said, high fiving Two-Bit.

I walked into the kitchen and Ponyboy followed. "He'll be fine," he whispered.

"Yeah... I hope."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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