Ratchet x heartbroken reader

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(credit to my friend on discord for giving me the picture!)

Reader pov:

My boyfriend cheated on my with my bully! I can't stop the tears falling down my face. I started listening to music from my favorite game, Ratchet and Clank. Personally I find Ratchet cute. As I was walking I hear screams, I look around confused. I walk backwards, unaware of the portal behind me. I fall backwards into it and I pass out.

Ratchet pov: 

I was talking to clank when we saw a portal and someone unconscious fall out of it. I picked them up and took them to my ship. I took them to the hall of heroes to have Alorus check if they are alright, I saw their head bleed but that doesn't mean they are injured.

After Alorus said they were perfectly healthy and freaking out asking where they are. Me and Clank wanted to meet them and explain what happened, but when we walked in they looked shocked. "Hello?" I said, trying to grab their attention. "How? Your Ratchet and Clank! But how?! That's just a really good game!" They said very confused.

"I assure you, we are not game characters." Clank said bluntly. They got up, "may I touch your ears?" They asked me, I nodded and turned my head slightly to let them touch my big ears. "It's real fur" they said to themselves. "How did I get here?" They asked. "We can explain what we know, but how do you know our names?" I asked seeing something poke out of their pocket, "and what's that?" I asked pointing to the thing. "I know you because you two are in the best game ever! And this is the newer game I got, Ratchet and Clank: Rift apart" they said pulling the game out. 

Clank looked at me with a look of amazement, and I returned the look. "But why didn't you play the game?" Clank asks. " Well I was at the store when I saw my boyfriend kissing my bully, so I yelled at him, we broke up, and because I had his credit card, I bought this game for $69" they explained. 

A week passed since Y/N got here and I have grown to have a crush on them, Clank knows this, as he is my best friend. 

We were fighting Neferius when his claw thing grabbed Y/N and Neferius laughed. "Now to see how to send you home human! Your to happy in this dimension!" He said laughing and getting away.

"We have to save Y/N!" I yelled, "we also need a PLAN!" Alorus emphasized the word 'plan'. "Qwark can break a hole in the place Y/N is being kept. Cora and Brax can take out guards, and Ratchet and Clank can actually rescue Y/N" Alorus explained.

We found the planet that Y/N was being kept on. Clank told us his sensors were detecting a base nearby and that's where we all went. Captain Qwark busted the door down, Cora and Brax started shooting guards while me and Clank looked for Y/N.

We found them being experimented on, this made me very angry. I took out me Omni-wrench and smacked the robots experimenting on the innocent human. I grabbed Y/N and went to the others. "I got him/her!" I yell to alert the others we can leave. 

We decided to keep Y/N at the hall of heroes, so I decided to stay with them, to make sure they are safe. 

About five hours later, Y/N wakes up and looks at me with slight blush. "Ratchet?" They ask, making sure they are not imagining things. "Yeah Y/N it's me." I reply, I kissed them as my confession of my crush. "I'm glad you are okay Y/N, I can't lose the one I love" I said bluntly. "I love you to Ratchet" they said before kissing me. "Your my human" I say hugging Y/N and falling asleep.


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