Choir peformance day!ahhhh!

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So today I had my choir performance and it went better then I thought.When the day started a 4th grader was on the bus and she told the bus driver that I was saying bad words and I wasn't! I am not even allowed to say them!well when I got to school it got a little better.Actually it didn't get any better because our sub gave us like 20 life lessons and it was so boring!Then lunch came and it was normal and now in math we are doing a research booklet,and it is fun!Then in choir we sang all of our songs for our coffee house that night.after that social studies came and it was our last period and we only read and got assigned seats!that is boring.and if you were wondering then we are learning about Rome.then waiting on our bus was fun and the bus ride was also fun.and oh my gosh I got home and I had 2-3 more hours until I had to go to my choir performance.When my mom got home we sat there and then we left.😁hen I got there we rehearsed.then it was time to preform and I was so scared.we sang Roar,Penny Lane,Ain't No Mountain High Enough,and Unwritten.then we were done.and the performance was over.

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