Casting Some Stones

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My bare feet are padding on the soft dirt quietly. It's so dark outside I can't see my dirty toes. The locusts and katydids are singing their nighttime anthem, making my ears ring. The noise is welcome. Twigs and tall grass are brushing my brown hoodie, making little holes in between the threading as I make my way through the thickness of nowhere. I faintly hear a floorboard squeak and a lean-to screen door snap shut behind me, and my body breaks out in goosebumps. Blood roars in my ears. I pick up my pace, my muscles shaking with adrenaline. My hair is damp with sweat. I'm running. I've been running, haven't I?

After a while of tripping on hidden logs and rocks, I see a pink haze spreading over the leaves of the trees. I have warm blood running down my shins, making my baggy sweats stick to my skin. My chest is screaming pain. I double over, coughing and spitting for a minute. I lean against a tall oak, the bark digging into the exposed skin on my arms where I rolled up my sleeves. I take in what I can see of my surroundings. How long have I been going? I check the direction I've come from and am pleased to see empty, dark forest. The cursed shack is out of sight.
I check my wrist to see how much time I have. It's 6:30 a.m. Bubba is filling up the Corolla at 6:50 a.m. on his way to morning football which gives me a 10 minute window to take off with it. I'm running out of time. I should've made it to the lake by now. A rustle of leaves jump starts my heart, and I take off again.

The sun continues to rise into a glorious morning. Boulders are revealed with dark green moss living on them. The damp earth floor has a refreshing clean smell. The leaves cast unique shadows on the ground. Mama used to ask me what shapes I saw, and I would tell her all about it. Used to say it would make my imagination grow. I catch myself smiling, and immediately stop myself. Not the time.

The shimmering lake comes into view. Yes, my muscles sigh in relief. I slow to merely a quick walk. The forest melts away as I reach the bank. Small waves have formed from early risers fishing in coves. The sound they make is calming.

I follow the shoreline until I reach the bend, and I start to climb up the dewy hill. I crouch as I reach the top where the little silver fence is protecting the boundaries of Joe's private property. I'm at the back of Hilltop gas station. The old sign displaying Quah Family Diner is lit but flickery making the sleepy town look abandoned. Yay, I think. They're supposed to open at 6:00 a.m. sharp, but Joe doesn't always wake up early enough. Thankfully he's awake today. This is most likely due to Bubba's help.

Joe bought the diner and installed some gas pumps shortly after. He didn't feel the need to replace the sign because the diner is still open. I hear his raspy voice in my head spouting off something about how "people could obviously see the gas pumps why did he need a sign". I chuckle. I'm gonna to miss him.

Joe not only sleeps in a lot, but he lives at the gas station. Joe has a dog. Joe's dog has a girlfriend. Joe's dog likes to see his girlfriend. So, lucky for me, there's a hole in the fence for me to climb through. On a normal day, I would take the front entrance, but today is different. I rake my body through the little opening and cuss myself when it makes a light rattling noise. My belly rumbles, and I am reminded of my last meal at the house. I shiver.

"Mav!" Comes a whisper shout from within the diner portion. Bubba's baby face and big body appear in the doorless doorway. I smile, and feel my body relax a bit. I run up to him, and he squeezes me tightly. I laugh, and he holds me out at arms length to look at my face.

"Are you ready?" He asks me. His face is etched with concern. His big blue eyes are searching for a inkling of doubt in my face, I can feel it. I nod. Then I keep nodding to show my enthusiasm and break out in a grin. He smiles, and hands me the envelope full of cash for my last paycheck at the diner. He can't trace me down when I get paid in cash. I grab it and shove it in my borrowed, too-big sweatpants. They're Bubba's. I'm used to looking like a bro at this point. It's natural.

I feel a buzz in my pocket, and I go frigid. I reach into my jacket and find my phone. Charlie displays on the screen, and I immediately decline. I become hyperaware of my surroundings. LED light poles are shining through the town, the sun is threatening to rise all of the way, and trucks are beginning to rumble about the streets. My watch reads 6:58 a.m.

"Bubba we've got to hurry." I say.

"Don't worry. Tank is full, cash is safe, map is ready, and I put a charger in your overnight bag so you can contact me when you make it.. wherever it is." He finishes the last thought with a somber look. I clutch his arm.

"Bubba, you're family. If you need me to stay.." I begin, but he finishes.

"No, this is your chance. You need to get out of here." He says. A smile is on my face, but tears are escaping my sad eyes. "Timmy will give me rides. No one will know. Security cameras are fake. Joe just likes the scare tactic."

"Joe would." I giggle, and wipe my tears. "Bye, Bubba."

"Go!" He shoos me away and I don't hesitate. I hustle up through the empty tables that are set up with ketchup and cutlery that i would bet haven't been touched in a couple weeks. I open the entrance as silently as possible, and hold the bell above me to keep it from ringing.

The parking lot is empty except for Bubba's car. I run over quickly. I shut the door with a huff. The air is static. No one else is around but me. I'm in control. I take in the flaky steering wheel where the leather has ripped off. The soft cloth fabric I sit on has ICEE and coffee stains from our late nights. I smile. something ruffles above me, and I inadvertently yank a tacked on picture out of the ceiling that had gotten stuck in my hair. I rub my head, and grab the picture. It's me, Bubba, Baylor, and Tim after a Friday football game. I hold it close to my heart. I notice there's a sticky note on the rearview mirror stating "you're the sh*t". How sweet, I think to myself. I find myself looking at my reflection. My light brown hair is tangled and thrown back hastily. Flakes of leaves have gathered on the sides of my head, and plastered on my sweaty forehead. There's a week old gash above my nose that is starting to scab over, and my cheeks are starting to bruise from last night.. I feel the familiar burning deep in my chest. Anger. I screw my eyes shut for a second, thinking. I open them and continue my examination. I have a welp on my lip, but that was just from bubba and the boys being too rowdy with me. My green eyes are red and puffy. I smile despite it.

I clutch the steering wheel and turn the key. As it roars to life, my phone buzzes again.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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