Chapter 1: Repairs

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"Dream I swear if you aren't up by now what makes you think you'll be able to get there on time!" a voice echoed from outside the cabin, as Dream rose up, and hurriedly got prepared for his journey to the village.

"Sorry Ranboo, I had trouble sleeping." Dream apologized. "It's fine, but why couldnt you sleep?" Ranboo asked in response. Dream knew exactly why, the thoughts of battling his own kind, his own friends. Seeing the blood flow into the creases of his skin, looking into the eyes of a lost soul, once eyes rich with life, and a soul pure. It was all too familiar to Dream, and he was worried history would repeat itself, with people even closer to himself, such as Techno.

"Doesn't matter, we need to get to the blacksmith before the rest of the village wakes up, I need to have my axe sharpened before the people flood into the streets. We can't be found Ranboo, they'll have our heads, and you know that..." Dream began to trot horseback with Ranboo, through the deep woods, until they reached a dirt path, leading to the heart of the village. Once civilization was in sight, the two made sure to conceal themselves as much as possible, covering their faces entirely, and hiding their horses in a nearby stable.

Once the horses were decently concealed, the two made it over to the nearby blacksmith, only taking a moment to make sure their weapons were in condition to be tampered, but not damaged. The ringing of a faint bell as they came inside was muted by the sound of boiling metal, and then, a quiet, friendly voice.

"Why hello travelers! Haven't seen fellows like you in quite some time, tell me, what may I do for you? By the way, the names Karl!" The man spoke, as he swiped away a piece of ash sat on his cheek. It seems this man hadn't had company in a while, and was very excited at the sight of work.

Dream wasn't going to speak, so Ranboo spoke for him, "Just a repair on a weapon, please." "What kind of weapon? Sword? Dagger?" Karl didn't hesitate to ask. "Actually it's an a-" Ranboo was cut off by the action of Dream pulling out his axe, a pure, netherite axe, made of the rarest material there is. Karl stood, in pure shock, noticing every fine detail, knowing exactly of the material, and just how rare it is.

"Is this an heirloom? I don't mean to be rude, it's just netherite is very rare, and was actually given to the End territory entirely by the Nether territory. The End territory doesn't even have that much, either..."

"Yes, just a family heirloom, our ancestor was friends with a member of the End territory." Ranboo quickly made the excuse. Luckily, it was believable by Karl, and Karl didn't hesitate to go repair the axe.

Ranboo might've called it just an heirloom, but it wasn't an heirloom. This was the only netherite axe ever made, and it was made for one person of the end territory, and only one person...

The heir.

The heir of the end territory, once all territories combined, would be given the most powerful weapon there is, made from the oldest source of netherite ever found, and enchanted by the wisest person of the territory, before being given to the heir at their coronation.

But Dream didn't have his coronation yet.

The axe was given to him in order for his participation in battle, being the prince, he needed a weapon worthy of his use. And even though it wasn't given in the way the weapon usually is, it's a good thing they did give it to him, because Dream, alongside the rest of the End kingdom and main territory, were able to wipe out a majority of all threats.

All threats, but two.

The Overworld kingdom, and the Nether kingdom.

These three kingdoms and territories used to work hand in hand, battling together. But due to the netherite shortage, there has been a terrible divide for the past 100 years, and a continuing war has been occurring. Seeing no end, people like Dream and Techno, see no unity. Because until Dream inherits the power, he can't negotiate with the others, because his father is a lot different from him. Until Dream's father has full power again, there will be no end.

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