⇢ ˗ˏˋ3 rounds? ࿐ྂ

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It might seem fun and all to be a bartender at Korea's most famous bar (Souls bar), until you realize that you're not rich. Surprisingly, you do see celebrities, actors and artist from all around the world but, in reality most of them are bitches. 

Bitches like Jaehyun.

Tonight he had a match and of course, they were going to play it at your work.

As you sighed, you knew that his entire fan base would take your humanity away after tonight. Jaehyun had a wide following of girls - especially teenagers. He was worshipped as if he were some sort of god. However, you did not see him that way. While you could admit he is attractive, you wouldn't allow him to throw you across the room and get off on it. 

It was just before rush hour when you setup the bar. You felt your waist encircled by cold hands. 

"Why do you look hot doing your job"

Brown greeted your eyes. It was Johnny. 

After nuzzling into your neck, the brown haired left a kiss. 

You whined, "Johnny, your hands are cold.".

A smirk appeared on his face, "You didn't say that last night."

Johnny and you had been a thing for the past month. As time went on, you and your lover would just fuck your feelings out in the bedroom until the little secret spread to the workplace as well. At times, Johnny got so needy that he begged you to fuck him in the staff restrooms. In the beginning, you felt dirty, but now just the idea turns both of you on. 

Your coworker snickered back at you, resisting the urge to vomit, saying, "You guys are disgusting to watch." Johnny and you chuckled at her comment, with the brunette still tightly gripping your waist. 

Johnny boated, "Just because I get can pussy." Jieun rolled her eyes loudly. 

Now, Jieun was a beautiful women. She had long, sleek black hair that reached her hips. Her cheeks were freckled with sharp, brown monolids. Her lips were thin and soft, and her shoulders were slim. The girl was the ideal. It's impossible to put Jieun and love life in the same sentence. Her love life is strictly limited to hooking up. Her stomach hurts whenever she thinks about "falling in love", going on dates, or getting married. 

The clock struck 6:00pm. Rush hour.

The bar was packed with people eager to get into the front row to see Jaehyun knock out someone in the first round.

This bar is the only bar that shows Jaehyun's match on TV every weekday. Sounds stupid, doesn't it? How could he want his match to only be shown at one bar? The soul reason why Jaehyun plays his match at this pub is because he sued all the other restaurants, cafes, bars etc for money. He resented people watching him fight illegally, so he filed a lawsuit. Biggest bitch right?

The drinks were being served one after another. As you walked around the bar, you felt like tens of thousands of people were watching the televisions around you. Jaehyun's fight had begun.

Jieun commented, "Let's see if his opponent can last 10 minutes.". 

You glanced at the TV beside you. Jaehyun appeared different. 

Despite the bruises on his body, he was paler than ever. There was a frailness to him. This was not like Jaehyun at all. Usually, he would walk on stage with a smirk, his posture would be perfect and his arms would flex like crazy. However, the smirk was missing, his head was looking at the floor and  muscles burned out Odd right?

The crowd cheers and screams for Jaehyun. You were in for a long night.

The first round begins. It didn't even occur to you to glance up at the screen to see Jaehyun fight. Instead, you went back to work as if nothing happened.

"Round 2" 

Your head spins like lightning. How could his opponent have lasted this long? That's not what Jaehyun does. Looking up, you saw Jaehyun all bloody. An up-and-down red streak covered his nose, dripping down his neck to his chest. 

"Holy shit"

Punches were being thrown at him repeatedly. Even when he did become the aggressor, Jaehyun was too late to counter. He looked helpless. 

In watching the fight, it seemed the whole thing went into slow motion. What were the chances of his death? Why isn't he doing anything? How could you be so concerned for him? Dark thoughts occupied your mind over and over.

"Round 3"

The sight astonished you. Jaehyun was being torn apart. He was still standing. Was he really going to win? 

It was pitch black in Jaehyun's eyes. Suddenly, he became more focused. He was angry, you could feel it. The violence Jaehyun wanted to inflict on his opponent was evil. 

In the midst of the next thought, Jaehyun threw the final punch. A blow from his glove knocked out his opponent.


The bar erupted into cheers, as people jumped up and hugged their friends while screamed.

"What the fuck was that" Johnny gulped. He remained shocked the entire round, holding his hand over his mouth. You choked on your own words, "I genuinely thought he would lose". Both Johnny and Jieun nodded their heads. 

A strange feeling filled your stomach as your shift drew to a close. There was something strange about Jaehyun in the match.


After clocking off your shift, you collect your belongings. 

Double checking yourself, you mumbled, "Phone, bag, drink.". 

Johnny's figure leans over your delicate body as he asks, "So, when will I see this pretty face again?" Innocent eyes met lustful eyes. You smiled, "How about tomorrow night?" 

Johnny smiled back, "Anything for the princess

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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