Chapter 2

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It was a normal patrol across Paris, we were having the time of our lives chasing each other over the roofs to improve our knowledge of the city from above.

I was about to cross another gap between buildings when it happened, people, no, girls dressed in black and red came from all directions, all armed to the brim with weapons that could kill me in a heartbeat. I twisted, searching for a way out, but I saw none, they surrounded me, I couldn't go up, they had a helicopter, I couldn't go down, they were all along the streets, and I had no other obvious escape route.

"Pick!" I had cried, trying to find out where my partner was, only to see him standing in front of the girls with a guilty look on his face.

"I'm sorry Icefire, but I had no choice."

"There's always a choice." I said, my voice cracked as he turned around and left, letting the girls who had formed a tight ring around me close in.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Experiment WS16, also known as Icefire, you will return to Hydra immediately." A monotonous voice came from a loudspeaker I assumed came from the helicopter.

"What? Who are you? What do you want with me? What is Hydra and what does it have to do with me?" I begged, trying to figure out what was happening.

~~~~Flashback End~~~~

I never did get my answers. I was only able to escape when they had to leave due to some random civilian seeing all of them and calling the police, who came to investigate, but by then they had left. I immediately changed my alias from Icefire to Blazing Phoenix, and completely changed my appearance. I shook myself and looked at the other picture, well, less of a picture and more of a news clipping.

It was one the more obvious fights, meaning the press got some good pictures. It was an image of me and Static fighting, and then a little blurb spectating on our similarities, physically and on how we fight. I observed Static's body language, then my own, almost identical, and it didn't seem like either of us was forcing it, meaning that was just how we naturally fought.

I then looked for our physical similarities, our face shapes are similar, we both have pointed chins and slimmer eyes, our builds are similar, we both have a smaller stature that lets us slip away from heavier blows, and we are both extremely light on our feet. If I didn't know any better I would've said we were sisters. I scoffed at the idea before putting the two pictures in the bottom of the compartment and closed it, making it blend into the floorboards before I left and headed to the lab to see if the DNA samples were done testing.

I grimaced as I heard footsteps from behind me. It was either Sophie, who should have been resting, or Luka, who I knew would have lectured me about being overprotective and letting my feelings cloud my judgement, something he would've been a huge hypocrite to reprimand me about.

"Hello, Icefire."

Marinette POV

Paris, France

"Hello, Static, or should I say, Glitch." I greeted her curtly. We stared at each other, each waiting for the other to make the first move. These were the fights that I either wanted to postpone as long as possible or I looked forward to most, our fights almost always ended in a draw, we would fight as long as we could until our partners left or we had to. I slowly inched towards the door, trying to leave the lab and get to an area that we could fight without losing anything valuable. When I noticed her shift slightly, I bolted for the door, Static hot on my heels.

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