Melody 6

400 33 11

Now that he has an agency, naturally his workload as an online singer increased. Despite not showing his face to his fans, his voice alone could capture many people and lure them into loving his songs. A certain music lover from the same agency as him is no exception.

"Ah, that person uploaded a new song again" The white haired man muttered
"hmm? Sou-chan what are you listening? Is it good?"

"Oh, is that SEVEN's new song?" Mitsuki asked "yeah! It's cool and heartwarming the same time" Sougo commented

"If I remember correctly that's the first song he released under takanashi prod right. It's really good and SEVEN's voice is...well I dont know how to explain it but it's really warm and beautiful, it kinda makes me want to meet him in person" the shorter man voiced out
"But we are in the same agency and even share the same building for training, can't we just go and meet that person?" The bluenette questioned, wiping his sweat with his towel

"I don't know, he doesn't show his face online and maybe he wants some privacy" Sougo answered watching tamaki do some dance steps again

"Oh! Then why don't we ask Banri-san! Hmm? I too would like to befriend this person!" Nagi said walking to them after changing his clothes

"You know that person's voice is familiar, I think I heard it somewhere" Yamato said following after Nagi

"Never thought of you as someone who listen to these kinds of songs old man" the orange haired teased
"Well I don't, rather I heard a very similar  voice somewhere I forgot when"
"Maybe you heard other kids streaming it or something"
"Yeah i dont know"
"Yama-san do you also want to meet SEVEN?" Tamaki asked doing a complicated pose
Yamato set his glasses in place and sat down beside sougo who is still watching SEVEN's newly released MV
"I don't know, I am not that interested anyways"
"Aren't you curious?" Mitsuki asked
"Awwee,you could've talk to ban-san for us to meet him"
"Ah, Iorin! You're finally here!" Tamaki called out to the raven haired who just entered the practice room

"Yeah, I had to finish some stuff for school first"
"Must be hard to be part of the school committee while being an idol. Can't relate though"
"It's because you slack off in class. If it weren't for me and osaka-san helping you with your studies you could've flunked our exams the other day" Iori argued
"School is pain" his classmate retorted
"That's not an excuse" iori sighed

"You're all full of energy I see" the man who just entered the room said
"Banri-san! Where's manager?" Sougo asked lifting his head off from his phone
"She has some paper work to do so she asked me to take over your training for today" He explained

"I also see that you already watched SEVEN's new song huh" Banri grinned

"Ah right! If you're here then who is handling SEVEN now?" Mitsuki asked

"He is currently making his next song and also practicing on his own. He told me I don't need to watch over him on those times because he prefers to work on his music alone" Banri explained

"Is he good Ban-san? If he's a brat then nevermind meeting him" the youngest member said

"T-tamaki-kun! Don't talk about someone you haven't met like that!"  Sougo reprimanded

"Yeah but what if he's a weirdo, wouldn't you be creeped out right when that guy is just working in the same building as us?" The younger argued

"Yotsuba-san you realized that it's all just your assumptions right? It's rude to talk about a person you don't know like that right when you haven't even met him yet" Iori said

"Alright tamaki-kun I assure you SEVEN is not a weirdo or a creep. On the contrary he is actually very hardworking and very kind. If you all want to meet him I could ask if he wants to do so. He could sometimes see you guys in the lobby and he said you're all interesting" Banri announced

"R-really? Then can we talk to him too? I love his music and I wanna ask about how he compose" Sougo asked with his eyes literally sparkling

"Sou-chan really does like this guy huh. I wanna meet him too"
"Didn't you just assumed rude things bout SEVEN earlier?"

"Yeah I erase that"
"But Oh! You cannot erase what you said tamaki! You aren't writing!" Nagi said
"That's not-- haah whatever. I am interested with him too. I like his voice!" Mitsuki said
"Me too! I wanna be friends with SEVEN!" Nagi also agreed

"Well then, he'll still be here after your practice so I could definitely ask about it. But let's get back on your practice first. You all want to perform on stage again don't you?" Banri smiled at them

"Yes of course!" They all answered
"Then back to your formations!"


"Woahh, they're all full of energy~"  The red haired chuckled as he opened his can of strawberry milk
"I guess meeting them won't be that bad. Tenn-nii said I should also make some friends too~" he said to himself while walking away from the room where Banri and other 6 people are dancing.

HEYOOO I. So sorry it took very very long for me to update (A YEAR EVEN??????)  I hope I could actually find a stable motivation to write my fics and sorry for suddenly appearing and disappearing🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 I'll try to do better this year aaaaa

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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