Chapter one:deep water's

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Deep down in one of the most dangerous part of the ocean is a dim lit palace called The Nightlight kingdom. Were hidden deep underwater in the crack of the ground called The Dim End the reason for the name is because the only light source you'll find is the light of your predators.

Anyways my name is King Rotifer.




"Father, I eliminated a shark I found snooping around the hatchery with my bare hands"

"Good job my son Akedon"

"Father i eliminated the giant eel that has been scaring the preys"

"Oh? Well done my son Marugome"

"Father I collected a thousand supplies for the medic in under 20 minutes"

"Impressive my son Tamutoshi"

I lapped of the tasty floating bubbles of medic juice

"Daddy! I'm ready to leave the kingdom!'

I spat out the juice.

"What the godfish are you going on about?!"

"Exactly what I said daddy!"

"What in the name of- sigh, you can't leave your rightful place within the kingdom my son Chi"

"But daaaddddyyyyy what if its for a few weeks?"


"GAH?! but why nooot?!"he freaked.

"Calm down Chi!"

"How can I be calm when you said no?!"

'He's got a point'
"Fine but bring a hundred soldiers with you-"


"Then no.."


"Go to your room if your going to cry about it"

"DADDDYYY! WAAAA!" his brothers surrounded him.

"Father how rude!" Said one of my sons

"So mean!" Said another.

"At last my brothers by my side once again!" Said Chi.

"Room, now!"

He squeezed out of the group hug and swam to his room before I could see his face that's most likely in tears.

Soon as he disappeared into the blue, his three brothers crowded me, ridiculing me.

Medallion, hun..I can't do this without you...

Daddy's Little FreeWilly By:@OLOLbitOМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя