Bart Gets Adopted

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Bart woke up to a loud crash. He looked around his surroundings frantically thinking that they must have found him and locked him up. But then he heard a familiar cackle followed by a string of curse words and calmed down as the previous night's events came back to him. After Bart had told Gammy and Donnaque why he was in Jalu or the City of Rain, Gammy had looked him up and down as if she knew all of his sins. She then proceeded to smile a toothy grin before loudly announcing to the whole neighborhood.

"Awww, yes look everyone it's my grandson from my fifth marriage! Dustin Lexington Velarax! The spitting image of my beautiful daughter and he has come to stay with me for a long time."

The neighbors had all proceeded to crowd him regardless of his protests. The rest of the night seemed to be a swirl of colors because he did not remember how he had ended up in Gammy's cottage. 

Bart decided to figure it out and straighten things up with the old woman. She probably did think he was her grandson or something, which worried him. He swept aside the warm quilt that covered him to reveal that he was in his pajamas which was a surprise since he did not remember putting them on. He opened the door to his room finding a short hallway that had his door, an open door that was the bathroom, a third door and an archway that lead to the room where all the swearing and crashes were coming from. Bart stepped into a kitchen/living room area and he had to rub his eyes because the scene before him was so ridiculous he did not know what to make of it.

Gammy was frantically wacking the top of the cupboard with a broom. While a cat kept jumping up and down striking at a dark shape. "You old buzzard $%*(^&&((@@(*#*#*get down from their #&*^&*$#*#&*#*#." the dark shape squawked and then dived at Bart landing on his shoulder. Gammy went from blustering mad to sweet smiles in an instance "Dustin my favorite grandchild how did you sleep?" She then addressed the crow sitting on his shoulder "And get off of him you old wheeze bag" the crow leaped off of Bart and landed on the cats back making the cat hiss and buck like a wild horse.

"Umm... I slept well. Mam, I"

"It's Gammy to you, sonny boy, now get yourself some waffles in ya. My goodness, gracious you are a stick! Ain't no woman alive will like a stick like a boy like you. In my day men were broad-shouldered and muscular and good lookin. Well you ain't a sight for sore eyes I suppose but a stick nonetheless. Now eat" Gammy kept on talking as she grabbed Bart. She proceeded to sit him down then stacked pancakes on his plate. Bart mumbled thanks and was about to start eating when she exclaimed "You can't start eating! You are still in your sleeping clothes. What's wrong with you boy? Go and clean up. We also will have guests for breakfast since the whole neighborhood is dying to know you. Those nosey no good crazy hooligans! Your clothes are in your closet. I took the liberty of unpacking all your things. And don't you go lookin at me like that sonny! I ain't gonna tell nobody about the illegal gun that was in your bag. I put that in the cellar with my guns. Mind you in my day we had no need to get a gun permit so I don't mind you having a gun honest to Betsy. What are you doing still standing around here we have guests coming now get!" She shooed Bart away.

Bart walked away feeling even more confused than ever, just who was this old lady? Did she really believe he was her grandson? And how did she know that his gun was illegal! He had a fake permit for it and everything. He decided that for now, he would play along long enough to find a chance to escape. Opening the closet, Bart saw that there was more than just the clothing he had packed. Curious he grabbed a nice leather jacket and tried it on. It fit. Shrugging Bart decided that he would go along with the crazy old woman for now. It certainly wasn't the strangest situation he had been in, especially in his line of work.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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