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Well I did not thought that anyone will tag me but Thanks @Ash_greninja7
So let's begin.


Q.1). What is your first Anime ?
Ans. Uhh ... To be honest my first Anime was actually Shinchan If I remember correctly .

But I still like it and saw him whenever I feel depressed due to studies or whatever is the reason.


Q.2). Who is your favourite anime character of all ?
Ans. Well to be honest I am not much in Anime because I did not have source to watch it also I got a smartphone like last year due to online classes 🙄.

But I think it would be Ash Ketchum (but of XY not Sun & Moon (-_- ')


Q.3). Who is your least anime character of all ?
Ans. Uhh ... As I said in earlier question I dont know much about Anime but My least favorite is Harley from Pokemon

(don't ask why I don't know my self but I don't like him)


Q.4).Who is your Anime crush ?

Me(nervous) :- To be honest I don't have one .

My bad Side(with a evil grin) :- Are you sure about that ?

Me(I gulped) :- Y-y-yeah ?

My bad side :- So you will not say don't worry it'd Cyn--

Me(shouted) :- NOO DONT DO IT !!

My bad side :- fine I will not but readers already got the idea 😈*leaves*

Me :- phew anyways next question.


Q.5). Do you have a manga ...... one ?
Ans. No I did not even read a Manga , I am just a normal Pokemon Anime fan.


Q.6). What do you think ...... anime ?
Ans. Uhh ... I hasn't even saw many (^_^;) so how can I tell which is underrated


Q.7). What anime are you currently watching ?
Ans. Oh well I am watching Pokemon Journeys and I recently watch the fight between Ash's Dragonite vs Korrina's Lucario.


Q.8).Favourite Anime opening ?
And. Of coarse It is Pokemon XY/XYZ


Q.9). The funniest anime in your opinion ?
Ans. Hmmm... It is Pokemon and if you want to know the funny moments in it , the best was when Ash roasted misty 🤣.


Q.10). Favourite creature ..... anime ?
Ans. Well It is Greninja specifically Ash-Greninja . I just want him to return in Journeys

 I just want him to return in Journeys

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Q.11). Tag some people ?
Ans. Maybe in next chapter

Oh and a small riddle before going


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Bye Guys !!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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