LA, May 2024

539 19 12

Soft music was playing in their backyard. Everything was lit beautifully.

He sat on a chair, glass in his hand, looking at his new wife in a beautiful, flowy cream summer dress.

She was currently talking to Zoe, stroking his ex-wifes growing belly, who was about 3 months away from giving birth to Cleos little brother. Both of them were smiling and laughing, when Cleo joined them to ask a question. She was still in her bridesmaid dress and looked stunning.

They had both agreed not to make this a huge thing, but an intimate ceremony in the privacy of their own garden.

He was not wearing a tux, but a nice pair beige of Chinos and a white shirt.

They did not even have groomsmen and actual bridesmaids, as they both found that funny for people that were going for 60 by now. But when Cleo had been SO excited, Jen had decided that she would have one bridesmaid, and that would be Cleo.

They had someone decorate everything with white roses and lilys, ordered some fantastic food and a brilliant DJ, and invited about 50 of their closest friends and family.

Just because he thought it would be funny, Matt had suggested to pull a Joey and get himself licensed to wed them, and somehow they thought this was a beautiful idea. He had been very moved when they asked him to actually do this.

And it really had been a moving ceremony, he reminisced.

She was always beautiful, but on this day, she really had taken his breath away. It was the combination of that fitted silk gown, light curls in her open hair and minimal make up like he preferred it, with that special sparkle in her eyes, and the beautiful words she said to him in their vows, and him knowing that this would be the first day of the rest of his life.

She had been the one to say hers first, as she was afraid she would be left in a puddle of tears after his words, which was exactly what had happened.

After asking them for their "I do's" and exchaning rings, Matt just said "Alright man, kiss her already" and when he did, everybody laughed and cheered.

While he was still looking at her in awe, it was Lisa who sat down next to him.

"Wow. Look at the two of you. 30 years, and now you two are married."

"Yeah" he said, clearing his throat.

"You know, I have never seen two people more perfect for each other. And witnessing this today... Thanks for having me here."

"Lisa, of COURSE all of you had to be here. You were on top of the list"

They looked at Jen and Zoe, still talking, Jens hand on Zoe's belly again.

"And how beautiful is that? Didn't I tell you that first day that they were going to be fine? I mean, not everyone has their ex at their wedding, pregnant with another man's child."

"Yeah, another patch in that blanket. I could not be more thankful for that."

They saw that Brad was now joining the two ladies, talking to Jen.

"AND another blast from the past." Lisa laughed.

"Yeah, those 2 also went through a lot, and it felt right to invite him. And Justin, too, even though he could not make it.

We are a crazy couple, aren't we? 3 divorced spouses invited to the wedding."

"Nah, I think it is beautiful. And you just have a looong history together... so things like this come naturally".

Brad and Jen came over to David, who got up, Lisa excusing herself to go to the bathroom.

"Alright Buddy, I am going to head out. Thank you so much for having me!" Brad said, padding David on the shoulder.
"I am so happy for the two of you. I have never seen that one" looking at Jen "So happy. I wish you all the luck in the world."

"Goodbye, Brad, hand thanks for coming" he said, before taking Jen into his arms and kissing her.

"I just talked to Lisa about this crazy assembly of people, and I must say I am so happy about how everything turned out. Like everything  fell into place" he said.

"I could not agree more." She replied. "But I must admit that I cannot wait for the minute I shut the door behind the last of those people, to finally be alone with you"

"Is that so?"

"You bet. I could happily live on a secluded island with nothing but you by my side. You are all I need."

"I can only give that back. How about we just... leave them be... I am sure, they will all find their way home sometime..." He suggested.

"What a great idea. I love you."
she smirked.

"And I love you..." He said, pulling her with him.

❤ T-H-E---E-N-D ❤

AN: so this is it for this story! The ultimate happy ending. I hope you enjoyed  it

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2021 ⏰

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