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london's pov

i yawned and stretched as i quickly got out of bed. i looked over at my clock and it read 6:00am as i pouted but motivated myself to get out of bed. the realization that today is my birthday, i started screaming and jumping up and down.

i quickly rushed downstairs but strangely enough, i didn't see calum anywhere in sight. i decided to just shrug it off and make myself some breakfast.


it's now currently 12pm and i'm getting worried; my whole life, calum has never been late to a single thing. i was debating whether or not i should call him but then i would seem too clingy and i don't want to come off as a someone who i'm not. oh what the hell, it wouldn't kill calum to answer.

hey i was just wondering where you are? text me back when you get this xo

i groaned as i laid on my bed just, waiting. i don't think i've ever been this desperate and bored in my life. for the first time in my life, i'm finally convinced that calum makes my life less boring and more of an adventure.


it was currently 7:00pm and i just finished singing happy birthday to myself as i sucked all my breath in and blew out, the flames quickly disappeared.

never in my life has calum missed my birthday or anything in general. i wiped the salty tears away as i pushed the cake away from me, my appetite disappearing.

from lunch to now, i've sent calum over 29 messages and 2 voicemails asking where he is and why is he late. if course i'm nervous, calum could've gotten kidnapped, honestly, these days that's more realistic than fictional.

i remember one birthday party i had where we almost got kidnapped.


"hello kids!" a plump guy wearing blue and red. "its spiderman here where is london?" he asked as i looked over at calum and giggled.

"me" i called as i held calum's hand as we rushed towards, who i thought was real at the time, spiderman.

"your mother sent me here to wish you a happy 10th birthday" he talked as i smiled and looked towards calum. "what's your name little pal?" he asked, getting too close to calum.

"calum hood!" he screamed as i laughed and spiderman chuckled.

"that's nice" spiderman coughed. "say would you like an animal balloon?" he asked as our eyes widened and we shrieked. "c'mon, its back in my truck" he responded.

"my mommy said to never go in a truck with a stranger" i pouted.

"i'm not a stranger" he spoke, "i'm spiderman".


after that, i ran and told my mom who knocked him out with a pot until the police came. i depressingly sighed as i grabbed the dairy queen's ice cream cake and started digging in, it being useless to wait for calum who was a no show.

i suddenly heard the door bell ring through my ears. my eyes widened as i quickly dropped the cake on my glass table and rushed towards the door.

"calum, you missed my birthday" i opened the door and saw calum standing there with a black eye and a huge stitched up cut. "what the hell happened to you?" i asked, growing very concerned.

"i know you're mad that i missed your birthday, but trust me, i'm even more mad at myself for missing it" he spoke as i shook my head.

"i'm not mad" i quickly hugged calum.

"i was in a car accident, that's why i missed your birthday" he spoke as my eyes widened and i hugged him tighter.

"are you okay?" i asked as he chuckled and backed away, starring in my eyes.

"i'm fine now" he cockily replied as i kept my lips flat but my heart beat increased and it felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. "can i come in?" he started to chuckle as i smiled and opened the door and motioned him to come in.

"look calum-"

"i bought you something" he cut me as my mouth dropped.

"no calum, i said no presents this year" i felt bad because i didn't get one for him on his last birthday.

"here's your first present" he smirked and reached in his pocket and pulled out a box. i looked over at him guilt quickly filling my veins but grabbed the box anyways. i gasped as i opened the box and admired the golden necklaces' beauty.

"wow" i breathed as i pulled it out. at the bottom, there was a tiny heart as i shook my head. this is all too much.

"its made out of pure gold" he spoke as i looked in his eyes. "read the back" he leaned in as i flipped the heart. london & calum forever.

"oh my god, calum" i almost started crying as i quickly wrapped my petite arms around his buff and large body. "this is too much" i still continued to hug him as he backed away and intensively starred in my eyes.

"i'm not done yet" he chuckled as he pulled out another box.

"you have to stop spoiling me, calum" i warned.

"just open the box" he smiled. i gasped as i almost dropped the box. it was a ring that matched my necklace. "london, i love you and i want you to love me back. this is called a promise ring. i promise you that we will be together someday, could be 3 days from now it could even be 3 years from now but i don't care. i will wait for you, london. i promise that we will be married. i promise you that i will never stop loving you" calum's eyes started getting watery but so were mine.

"wow i don't know what to say" i said, completely out of words to say to calum.

"you don't need too. just come here" he smirked and opened his arms. "reason 11, i love you because it's been 17 years and you still put up with all the crap i do" calum smiled down at me.

"that's only because i never wanted to lose you" i spoke the truth as calum leaned in and kissed my forehead.

"that feelings mutual babe".

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