chapter 36 | breaking

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"Before I graduate, I'm going to complain to Headmaster Friar about these uniforms. Like, what happened to freedom of speech?" Christian grimaced, adjusting his pressed gold tie.

"Maybe you should be thankful. I've seen your style, and it's not it," Jasmine teased. Her eyes slid over to me and she raised her eyebrows. "Hello, D? Are you going to tell us what's bothering you? Because you've been like this since your 'little detour.'"

I looked up, distracted from the half eaten burger on my tray. Then I lowered my voice to a whisper, sneaking a quick glance to make sure no one was listening.

"I went to Catalina's house yesterday."

Jasmine's eyes widened but Christian turned to us, looking confused.

"Who?" Christian said.

"The family of the missing girl from the dance team," Jasmine told him quickly. "Okay and? Did you find anything? Did they know anything about Addie's suicide?"

I shook my head. "No, nothing like that. But I did find this." I reached into my pocket and pulled out the folded letter from yesterday, pressing it down on the table so they could see. Jasmine read it first, and then her eyes seemed to double in size.

"Holy shit. The girls were going at it?" Jasmine's mouth dropped open. "Were they secretly dating?"

"That's pretty hot," Christian said. "Well, morbid now. But it was hot before this all happened."

"And another thing," I said. "Catalina isn't missing. She was pronounced dead months ago." A gasp escaped from Jasmine's lips as Christian winced.

"So you think Addie might've... you know... yeeted herself because Catalina died?" Jasmine said. "What a Shakespearean tragedy."

"Really considerate of you, Jas," Christian said sarcastically, earning a glare from her.

I shook my head. "Obviously that's a possibility, but it doesn't make sense. Sutton's still a factor, and the Cheaters Anonymous account is blackmailing me to pinpoint him as a suspect for what happened to Addie. But if there's no foul play here, why would the account even want Sutton to get in trouble?"

Jasmine chewed her lip. "Maybe Sutton knew about their relationship and was trying to out them before they were ready? It's fucked up enough to want to get revenge on him."

"Maybe," I said, slipping the note back into my bag. "I just need to buy a little more time. If I could just find my phone, I could message the Cheaters Anonymous account that I'm getting close, there's just a missing link that I need to find -"

Before I could finish my sentence, I saw Ellis getting up from the table. Even from a distance I could see his dark eyes, flashing with fury from here. Sutton was by his side, saying something to him, but all I could focus on was Ellis's hand rolling into a fist. He looked angrier than I had ever seen him, and that was saying something considering how hot-headed he was.

"I'll be right back," I said. Before Jasmine and Christian could argue with me, I was up and hurrying out of the cafeteria doors, focusing on Ellis so I didn't lose him.

"Ellis. Ellis!"

The second time around, Ellis stopped. His entire body seemed to freeze, and then finally he turned around, meeting my gaze. I felt the warmth pool in my stomach. Despite the fact that we weren't on the best terms right now, I hadn't realized how much I missed him. It took all of my restraint to keep myself from kissing him as I moved closer, hesitating.

"Hey," I finally said. For just a second, the look in Ellis's eyes softened, and he looked like he was going to say something.

Before he could, Sutton turned to me, a crude smile on his face.

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