Chapter 3: It Was A Cold, Stormy Night

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Rain poured down in sheets.

Lucy had seen the clouds whilst shopping with Wendy, who'd tasted the air and also warned her. Captivated by a few libraries she'd never seen before, she'd sent Wendy off back to the hotel before she caught a cold. She could heal herself, of course, but she needed to save up on all the magic she had. Assuring Wendy she'd be right behind her, Lucy had stayed at the library until they kicked her out. Not being able to see well through the rain, she wondered around and became hopelessly lost.

"Damn," she whispered. Why did it have to rain on the one night she decided not to bring her cloak?

Suddenly, a black figure was right in front of her. She bumped into it, and fell back, only to be caught when the figure stretched out his arm and gripped hers.

"My, my, Miss. What are you doing out here, all by your lonesome?"

She recognized his figure suddenly, and her breath caught as he came into focus. It was Sting, staring at her intensely with his piercing eyes. The rain did not do much to blur out his strong body, and his muscles were clearly defined in the moonlight. His hair was still as perky as usual, though it was not completely soaked yet. If it wasn't so cold and they weren't already wet, her palms would have started sweating. As it was, she shivered.

"Stayed late at a library. When they kicked me out it was raining and since I couldn't see anything, I got lost," She had to yell. The rain was beating on them now.

And then, quite quickly, she was under the protection of his cloak that he had whipped on her.

"But what about you? Won't you get cold?"

"Nah, it's fine. I can handle it."

"Oh yeah, of course. I forgot you're a dragon-slayer."

"Wow. How could you forget something so important? I'm hurt."

"Oh, hush."

"Oh? But I was just about to offer you some warmth and shelter,"

"Then I retract my previous statement. You were saying?"

"Would you like to come to my apartment?" Though his insides were jelly, his voice held firm and he silently thanked God. He was freaking out.

Lucy was freaking out too.

To his apartment? But I barely met him! And-well, what if it's a trick? Or maybe he really is being nice? But... Saber and Fairy are enemies? Should I do this?!

Another wave of could struck her, even through the cloak, and she figured if she refused he'd probably force her if it really was a trap. And no way she could use her spirits to help her, she was worn out after Minerva's beating.

"Sure," she finds herself saying, and he tightens his hold on her. It just then struck her he had not let go even after helping her back up and she was grateful for the dark as it covered her flustered, red face.

After murmuring a "Great," Sting pulled her along, heart pounding loudly in his chest. He was grateful for the rain so she couldn't hear it.

And as he whisked her away, Lucy couldn't help but wonder where this whole ordeal, attraction, she admitted to herself, would go.

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