Clifford the bitter red dog..

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Clifford started shaking. Shivering.
But it was not cold.

"You lied to me.."

Liam couldn't open his eyes to look..

"When you said you loved me, you LIED."
"you only have yourself to blame, you're clingy and obsessive. Our love was a liquid inside a sponge, and you squeezed it all out..
That's how metaphors work, in pretty sure..." Liam muttered.

"You've made a mistake. YOU are small, pathetic and I, large. I can kill you if I drop my paw where you stand.. Tell me you're joking, tell me you still love me.."

Liam gripped his shoulders...

"I cant. I've found another lover while I was gone.."

Liam could feel the cold, saltiness of a huge tear from Clifford's face drop down onto his back before he heard..

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