Episode 11-A Spirit Here That Won't Be Broken

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The next day at St. Anne's Church, Kol goes up to the attic with coffee. But when he doesn't see Davina, he gets worried that something bad happened to her or what happen last night with the Hollow was all a dream.

Davina? Kol said in a panic.

I'm right here. Davina said as she steps out from behind a room divider screen.

Kol exhales a sigh of relief as he walks over to Davina and embraces her.

Oh, for a moment, I thought... Kol said

It's okay. I'm still me. Flesh and blood, alive, for now. Davina said

And linked to that monster. I promise, I'm gonna find a way out of this for you. Kol said

She was powerful enough to bring me back from the dead. Kol, you have no idea what we're up against. Davina said

Hasn't stopped me before. [He lays his hand on the side of her face.] Stay here. I'll be back as soon as I can. Kol said

Wait, you're leaving? Kol, we might not have much time together. Davina said

Losing you broke me. I will not stand around and let it happen again. Kol said

The Hollow has to be killed. And if she dies, then I die. And what's the alternative, you help her? You can't betray your family. Davina said

That's kind of my specialty. Stay here. Kol said

With that, he vamp speeds out of the attic, leaving Davina in sadness and worry that something might happen to him.

Downstairs, Kol runs into the Hollow, who was waiting for him...

Are you going somewhere, Kol? The Hollow asked

I asked for some time alone with her before you use me to do your dirty work. You have been dead, years, surely you can spare an hour. Kol said

Every second counts if you want Davina to continue breathing. The Hollow said

What is it that you need, then? Am I to handle your errands? Or your laundry? Kol asked angrily with a hint of sarcasm.

It's actually quite simple. I have long wanted to be mortal, but now that I am alive, I can die. In fact, your own family is relentless in their quest to kill me. The Hollow said

Look, if you want me to put in a good word, that ship has sailed, darling. Kol said

I have my own protection spell, cast in the form of a totem. You will safeguard my totem, until I'm done with your family. If you falter, if any harm comes my way, Davina will suffer with me. The Hollow said

Meanwhile at the compound, Hope and Faith were in their room, looking out the window when their father walks in.

The Hollow, she's getting stronger. Faith said

You can sense her? Klaus asked

When we first got here, there was always music outside, people dancing, laughing. But since she came back, it's so quiet. Hope said

Like she's draining everything out of the city. Faith said

She already took Uncle Elijah. And soon she will come for the rest of us. Hope said

They walk away from the window and over to him.

Klaus kneels in front of them resting his hands on their shoulders and says. Listen, Hope, Faith, I know you're scared. But over the years, a lot of bad people have stood against our family, and all of them have fallen. The Hollow is no different.

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