Chapter 3

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Listen to the sad music while reading this. it fits even tho my cringey undertale phase ended 5 years ago ykyk #undertale #emotional

also ignore the dream face bruh


I jump off of the bridge. I don't know what happened. I swear, I jumped off the bridge. All of a sudden I see huge swings fly down near me and I feel someone grab me and take me somewhere safe. 

"What the hell?!" I said. I started coughing and looked around at where I was. 

 Suddenly I saw who saved me. I can't believe what I am seeing right now.


 I saw Kylie there. Kylie was standing there, smiling at me. 

"Kylie... This can't be real!! Am I dead??" Kylie laughed and looked down at me. 

 "No, you are not dead Salidat." 

"T-then how can I see you?! You died over a year ago!" 

 Kylie laughed again. 

 "That's right, I am dead. I am actually a high level angel watching over you. But I came to tell you that you can't die yet." 

 "But... you are dead... This can't be real." I said, denying the possibility of this.

"Trust me, it is real. But you tried to kill yourself when it wasn't your time to leave the world, so I had to save you." Kylie said, suddenly looking serious.

"..What?" I said, confused.

"We all had our destinies and times to leave this world, all of us from the Mclovin friend group. But you haven't finished your destiny yet. Meaning, you shall still stay in this world up until the world thinks you are done." Kylie explained to me, making me understand a bit better.

"Destiny..? We all have a destiny..?" I said, with tears rolling down my face.

"Yes. That is true. But you have the most important out of all of us, which is why we all died way before you and you are still here. We are all watching over you, cheering you on." Kylie smiled again.

"You are all... watching over me?" I said, still crying a little bit. Kylie nodded and pointed to the moon.

"Do you see that moon? That is actually Jeffy and Aeb dancing together, finally meeting each other in the after life because Aeb was at camp when we all met jeffy. It sucks that she never got to meet him in person though.." Kylie said, all sad.

"That's right. Aeb never got to meet Jeffy because of the tragedy. I actually completely forgot about the tragedy, it was never talked about in public because us in the Mclovin friend group had to stay quiet about it. If we didn't, hell would break loose. But, after the tragedy happened, everything started going downhill." I thought outloud, while Kylie nodded sadly.


What was the tragedy again? I have completely forgotten everything about it because the details were never important to me, up until now. The tragedy....

"Oh, that's right. I remember it now. The tragedy started about 4 years ago when Aeb decided to go to that camp in Pennsylvania for a week. But none of us realized that Aeb's camp was actually a trap. Soon, that week turned into 3 weeks. Then 2 months. Nobody knew what was happening, and nobody could talk to Aeb either because she wasn't able to bring her phone at all to the camp she went to. Then we heard the terrible news. Turns out, Aeb was actually brutally murdered at that camp. Specifically, she was stabbed 17 times by one of our greatest enemies, the one and only Princess. After we all heard about this tragedy, we all broke into a great depression. Everyone was extremely surprised that Princess actually fought back and murdered our great friend Aeb."

"That is completely right, Sal. You remembered! I'm so proud of you. Aeb is doing much better now up here, but it was quite a tragedy that it happened. Specifically the start of the tragedy. Can you try and think of the other horrible things that happened during the tragedy? I'm counting on you." Kylie said, staring at me with a smile. 

I sighed, as it was a very sad thing to think about, the tragedy really gave us all a huge despair feeling. 

Kylie is right though. I need to think about the other incidents that happened during the great tragedy

Come on Sal, think! 

Think think think.

word count: idfk lol a lot 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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