Blood Eagle

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'So how does it feel, now that you are in your victim's shoes and are currently experiencing a lifetime of pain and torture??!!!' I ask the pitiful and dumbfounded victim that lay before my feet as their back lay about, sliced open, their still glistening, crimson, red muscles and pulsing deep blue veins protruding itself above the surface of where the 'barrier' lay.

Upon contact with the sub-zero, stinging oxygen, their once attached ribs from their spine, and their lungs, pull themselves through the opening of their back to form a pair of bloody "wings."

On closer inspection of my masterpiece, a psychotic glint etches itself deep within my eyes, as I grin brightly from ear to ear while looking down at them, my masterpiece. My hands stay thrusted deep within the bloody mound that lay between the intersection of their back with a pair of tweezers ready in my hands to detach the last rib from their spine.

'MMMMHMM..MHMMM!!!...MMMH!!!!!' Their muffled voices are the only things that are heard while in their desperate attempts of trying to escape from underneath me as I sit, holding them down with my weight as I continue on with my paragon.

The tape that was supposed to cover his mouth to prevent him from speaking out and screaming for help, instead only caused the useless sounds he made to become muffled as he tried to reply to my question, in this dark, silent, dusty, dilapidated jail cell of mine.

Hearing them continue on with their shocked but useless mumbling, I become exhausted of their infuriating and deafening tone as they continue to try to squeal out and plead for me to stop what I am doing and come to a realisation that what I am doing is wrong, especially since I am an agent of the law.

Finally having enough, I gradually start to pull at the last rib before quickly snatching it up and ripping it out of the place it once came from as the crest on my prison guard uniform "QLD Corrective Services" shimmered in the moonlight before the crimson of my criminal pig of the day's blood splatters all over my face and uniform.

I have to admit, the best part of giving these criminals a taste of their own medicine is that moment when I see their baffled expression when a jail guard gives them a lawless and limitless lesson in my own hands.

The scent of their blood wafting around and the sound of their addicting screams being muffled behind the tape that binds their mouth shut only causes the excitement on my face to now become visible as I can not contain my exhilaration to get rid of this pest from the face of this world.

Seeing the glint in my eye and the look that had dawned upon my face, the victim's face slowly starts to twist and contort, until an unbelievable amount of fear has plastered itself, etching itself upon their face while his body trembles in absolute fear, scared as to what would come next.


'SPLISH,SPLASH,SPLISH...SQUEAK!' The water splashed about, washing my sin away with it. Blood muddied the once clear water, swiftly dispersing as dawn began breaking through the cloak of the night.

Finally done with the task at hand, I turned the tap off trying my best to do it silently as to try not to alert anyone that may be patrolling the area of my presence. I then quietly and stealthily advanced towards my room, and once I arrived at the corner near where my quarters were located I let out a relieved sigh.

But as I was about to go open the door, 'THUMP...THUMP...,' I hear heavy footsteps start to get louder as it oh so slowly starts to creep up from behind me. The sounds get louder and closer at a frightening pace, I try not to turn back and quickly get into my room as fast as I could. Once inside, I lay against the wood of the door while trying to calm my heart down from its rapid pace.

Then...the footsteps stop...leaving me alone in a state of panic as I begin to dread the worst. I was apprehensive that I may finally have gotten caught after having done this for so long and although I hoped for my assumption to be wrong my instincts told me that my hopes would be all for nothing as my instincts were often right.

'KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK' My train of thoughts comes to an abrupt stop as I hear a vigorous knocking at my door. It really did feel like my time has come, the realisation of finally being caught starts to settle into my mind. My body trembles. I push through my jitters to open the door to meet the face of a team of armed policemen and look up at them...


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