I. Return

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*Six Months Later*

*Dei's P.O.V*

It has been six months since that accident. If my life was a movie, a tv series, or even just a book – he would have come and checked on me by now. But he didn't, I still haven't seen or heard from Richard since then. Yes, we broke up that day but it wouldn't hurt to check up on me, right? Ask me if I survived? I ... I spent the last few months waiting for a call or even just a text from him but I didn't get any. I even asked my mom and our common friends but they all said they haven't been in contact with him either. It was like Richard just disappeared into thin air.

He was just gone.

Dei, maybe he just needs some time.

I'm sorry, I'm busy, I don't know where he is.

You should focus on yourself, babe.

Those were just some of the statements that replayed endlessly in my head for days. It fucking sucks.

"You're going to Alana's place tomorrow, right?"

My mom's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up, gave her a reassuring smile and she smiled back. God, my acting skills really reached a whole new level after the accident.

"Yep, I am planning to stay there till Sunday," I told her. "Would that be alright?"

"I'm gonna call her mother to make sure it's okay, it's their condo after all ... yes I think I'll do that." She said to me with that same concerned tone of voice she had been using since I got out of the hospital.

"No need! Her mother won't be back home till next weekend. I am cool with her anyway so I don't need to ask for permission."

"Well, can I check up on you then from time to time?" She asked.

"Mom, I just turned 24 last month ... I'm old, I'm okay. You don't need to worry about me."

"But your headaches- "

Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

Ever since the accident, I've been having headaches in varying levels of pain. Most were pretty tolerable, but some would just be so unforgivably excruciating that I would barely be able to get out of bed.

We already went to a couple of doctors for checkups and tests but no one could give a definite answer as to what was happening to me because all results came back normal. As in no one could tell me why I was having these pesky headaches. So yes, not only did I break up with my boyfriend of six years and got into a pretty serious accident right after, but I also became a medical mystery in six months.

"I'll be fine, mom. I promise. Please don't worry about me, I'm ... I'm fine." I assured her even though I knew I was nowhere near being fine. She smiled and nodded at me once more.

"Okay, I believe you. I love you, honey."

"I love you too, mom."

The dreary silence once again filled my room the second my mother closed the door. I shut my eyes and rested my head against the wall. The guilty feeling in my stomach grew stronger almost instantly.

I lied to my mom. I wasn't going to Alana's condo the next day.

I was planning a return to Richard's cabin.

I hope you're there. God, I hope you're there

I was so convinced that Richard would be at the cabin because it was his dead grandma's birthday the next day and the two of them started a tradition years ago to spend her special day there no matter what. She was his favorite person in the world and she loved that cabin very much – so did he. When she passed, he inherited the place and named it after her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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