August 4, 2021

8 0 0

Time currently 11:24am
I haven't slept all night. I decided to read some Wattpad as I seen some I like to read have been updated. I than got the idea to read after seeing how connected I am to the people who write the stories I love. And was wondering why I never sent in ideas/ request. And as I was typing certain request/ starters i could potentially send to my favorite writers. I was wondering why I never write my own. Which I come to the conclusion that I like reading smut but I don't know if I could write it. Like idk if I'd be any good because there would definitely be some in books I write simply because I like reading them. I wondered if any of the people I like reading would mind doing a collab type thing as to I would write the base, background, etc. As they would write the smut and also give ideas with the story or one shots as well. Just a though. But if anyone good at writing smut and has written material before and you see this and don't mind collaborating with a beginner writer please comment or dm me. I doubt Anybody is going to get this far but if you do please lmk <333
218 words

Me contemplating on if I should start writing. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin