Islamic Advice: Music and Kpop

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I'm a muslim girl who got into kpop and music a lot recently, although I know it's islamically unacceptable. I want to change my ways and quit music for good. It can be easy at times, except for when im working out because I like listening to fast beats and songs to keep me moving. What should I do to quit?


Asalam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, first and foremost thank you for taking your time to reach out. InshaAllah I truly hope things work best for you. I am not a scholar of any sort, just a struggling muslimah in my own but from my personal experience, I can relate to this one personally. I used to be a kpop stan as well and got into music a lot into my late teens, to the point it became very problematic in my life as a muslim. It pulled me far away from Islam and really took away my opportunity to pray salah. In no way do I intend to expose my sins or anyone else's, however because I've struggled with this, I hope my advice for how I overcame this sin may help you or anyone else on the same boat.

1. Pray nafl for istighfar and make a promise to Allah thay you will wholeheartedly try to change your ways. The way I proved my true repentance was by sacrificing what I was kept to heart the most and that was the music.

2. Unfollow every artist or fanpage you follow on social media. Start liking and adding more Islamic content and this will soon clean your feed by replacing the intimidations with content to keep you on track.

3. Make your Playlist private so you don't get the sin of making someone else listen to music on your reccomendation, then delete the music app altogether.

4. Discover and search for nasheeds and reciters who's voices truly get to your heart. I would also reccomend listening to nasheeds in the language you better understand so you know what you are hearing and repeating.

5. Tell your friends who share a mutual liking to the music or bands of interest that you are taking a break from this due to religious reasons and you hope they can respect your decision to do so. If they still convince you, take a break from that friend or cut them off. Your social circle is a reflection of who you will rise with on yawmal qiyam.

5. Make sure your use your full focus while praying salah, even if arabic isn't your first language be sure to at least memorize the translation of Surah Fatiha. I promise this will make such a difference.

6. While working out, listen to Islamic podcasts or lectures so you'll be working both for yourself and for your deen at the same time.

7. If you find it too hard, do sunnah fastings.

8. Always work to build on your relationship with Allah. Never be an all or nothing person, you missed one salah? Make wudu and pray the next and kaza. Always made sincere dua while in sujood and speak to Allah after salah as if He is your friend. When Allah has forgiven you as he is Ar-Rahman, He will not he shy to show you of His forgiveness. Dont ever lose hope.

Although this isn't the best, I do hope this can be of some help for you. The reason I took my opportunity was because the music was messing with my head during salah and I used that situation to quit once and for all. May Allah make this journey of ease for you and forgive us all.

If you have any advice you could add on, please do comment and include your thoughts.

Advice both religious and non-religious are open here, this is a judgement free zone so please don't hesitate to come forward with and help if you are looking for it. This place is always open arms for everyone.

- hayatii.writes

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