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Hello, and welcome to our story! Just so you know, there are three of us, and we each write chapters, which is why the writing styles may be a little different. This chapter is pretty much just a prolouge, which is why it is so short. Thank you for dropping by and we hope you enjoy our story! Please comment and tell us your thoughts! xxx Kennedy, Kaitlyn and Kayla



It was easy. Way too easy. Of all the guys I had met over the past few years, he had been the easiest to get closest to. He had barely known me for three days, and I think he was already planning out what the names of our kids were going to be. Some people were just so clueless.

I stepped out of the bushes and towards him. "Claire!" he said, a smile spreading across his pale face.

"Hi Trent," I said, tucking a stray piece of blonde hair behind my ear. "How have you been?" I tried to resist smiling towards him. Trent wasn't too bad of a guy, though he really needed to develop a brain inside of his head.

"Oh, I've been fine," he replied, casually. "It feels like it's been forever since I have seen you!" I knew what he wanted. He wanted a kiss. Trent seemed to find that I was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Either he was really desperate, or he actually thought I was beautiful. I was leaning more towards the first option.

I laughed. I wondered how real it sounded to Trent's ears, as I couldn't help wincing at the fakeness of it. "It hasn't been that long," I said, taking a few more steps towards him. There wasn't too much space left between us now, though just enough to keep me feeling comfortable.

"It's been too long for me, though." I tried to choke back my laughter, and nausea, as Trent spoke. This conversation was becoming more cliché then a trashy romance novel! He reached up and ran his fingers through his dark red hair, as if that would make me happy. I actually had no feelings for this guy, though I guess he thought that I did.

I giggled, as if his compliment had actually affected me in any way (except for the nausea). "Trent, slow down! We've barely even known each other for three days!"

"Three wonderful days," he explained, stepping closer to me. I could know feel his hot breath on my face. "It feels as though I've known you for a lot longer though.

I sighed and looked up at him, my green eyes sparkling with happiness. "Really?" I asked him. I raised myself up onto the tips of my toes and kissed him softly on the lips. It seemed as though it had been what Trent had been waiting for, as he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer into him.

I let out a small shriek of surprise as he did this. I didn't really want to kiss the red head, but I knew that I had to. My future, and Nate's future, depended on me being able to kiss Trent.

I leaned upwards again and kissed him on the lips. I tried not to kiss him for too long, but Trent had a firm grip on me. I couldn't wiggle my way out of this one. It seemed like the perfect opportunity, though. I fingered the belt around my waist, trying to find exactly what I was looking for. As I lifted the object into my hand, fingering it, I thought for a moment about what I was going to do. It had to be done, and now seemed as good a time as any.

With Trent's lips still locked on mine, him obviously enjoying the kiss a lot more than I was, I plunged the dagger into his back. He pulled back immediately and groaned in pain. He reached back and felt the wound, staring at me with a look of shock reflected in his light brown eyes.

"What the hell?" he sputtered out, looking up at me. I wasn't sure how far the blade had penetrated his skin, but I knew that it would most likely be fatal. Either because it hit an important organ or because Trent would just bleed to death. I was secretly hoping for the first one, because I figured he wouldn't take as long to die.

I averted my green eyes from Trent, hoping that I wouldn't have to see his pain. I was the one thing I hated most about this job.

I can't keep my eyes away forever, though, so I find them travelling back to the red head with blood pouring out onto his shirt. It is beginning to stain a reddish brown color. He reached backwards, trying to grab the end of the dagger that is still stuck in his back.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," I said, finding the words just pouring out of my mouth. "It'll just make it more painful. You'll die faster."

Trent ignored me, however, and pulled the knife out of his back. It was coated in red. I wondered why he didn't listen to my suggestion to not pull the knife out. It was probably either because he didn't trust me, or because he wanted to die quickly.

"Claire," he said, through gritted teeth. "Why?"

"I had to," I explained simply. I just wanted to walk away at this point and leave Trent all alone. I didn't want to see him suffering. Even if he was really corny and only wanted to kiss me, he wasn't too bad a kid. Just had his priorities a bit out of whack.

"Why?" he repeated, his eyebrows knitted together as he fights against the pain. It seemed as though each word he said was painful.

"I can't tell you," I replied, shaking my head.

He let out a deep sigh and fell onto his knees. I could see the sweat glistening on his forehead. I would give him another five minutes, at the most, before he's gone.

"I trusted -" he began, taking a deep breath as he uttered those two words, "You."

I closed my eyes, not wanting to look him in the face. It is always the hardest, watching the person die. That is where you feel the most guilt. You get things like 'I trusted you', 'I loved you', or 'I thought you were my friend'. After that, the guilt may hang over you like a rain cloud for a while, but it disappears fast. I have always had trouble with the stage that Trent was at. The accusations and the final wishes.

"I know," I told him. "I know that you did. They all do, don't they? They all trust me!" I quickly realized that I was talking more to myself than Trent and bit my lip to shut myself up.

Trent lay down on the ground. I picked my blade up and wiped the blood off with my shirt. His eye remained on the ground, not wanting to look at me, the one who had killed him. I watched him, a bit reluctantly, as he moaned and groaned and, finally, fell silent. I swallowed and looked at him, waiting to see if he would do anymore. Nothing else happened. He didn't hold onto his life, trying to make it as long as possible. That seems to be the route that most people take. I think that Trent knew he just needed to let go.

I gazed at Trent for a moment, the way that his red hair was falling into his eyes, but turned away. I couldn't stand there forever just staring at him. I killed him. It was over. It had to be done.

Sticking the knife back into my belt, I began walking away from the small clearing where Trent and I had been. Somebody would be able to come and get him soon, whether it was an innocent person that stumbled upon the body, or someone that I told about Trent and I meeting up.

I would have to go and tell Kiara that Trent was dead. My future was still in good hands, and I wouldn't have to worry about Nate tonight. I was ready for my next assignment.

I just hoped it wouldn't hurt so much this time.

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