Chapter Two

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"Landing in five minutes," The pilot's voice boomed through the radio speakers, causing everyone to fall silent. I shifted in my seat, pulling my shoulder bag on my lap. Beside me, Darren was staring intently at the window as we grew closer to the ground, not making a noise. Actually, now that I think about it, he hadn't moved or spoke for a while now.

"You know, France looks a lot different than in the pictures." I said to him softly, leaning to look out the window as well. Flashes of lush green trees flew by, along with the occasional home or two. The free land got smaller the closer we got to the airport.

Darren leaned back into his seat, "Yeah, it does. I take it you've never been here before, correct?"

"Correct," I said. "I've been working at the NAA since I was only sixteen. You don't travel much as an accomplice."

"An accomplice?" Darren asked curiously.

I nodded, "This is the first coast-to-coast mission I've ever done."

Darren laughed, "Must be scary as hell."

"I'll say,"

Our eyes flashed to each other's for a moment, before I turned back to the cock-pit at the front of the plane. The light at the front was now flashing, "Seatbelt's On.", so I took that as my cue to buckle up. As I did so, Darren did the same.

For the next five minutes I just rested my eyes, not fully falling asleep like the rest of the passengers on the plane had. I could never sleep; not with all of these things in my life to worry about. By all these things, I namely mean Nate.

Nate was young - only fourteen. He was much too young to be training as an assassin. Like I had pointed out, I was only sixteen when I had started, and that was just last year. Nate should never be working at this age, especially considering Kimberly had promised he wouldn't have to. She said, and I quote, "Nate is only a side feature with you, he has no need to become an assassin. You are enough, so we won't be needing another."

If we wouldn't be needing another, why had Nate gone into training? Even I had no answer.

"The plane stopped," Darren said, poking my arm. "You asleep?"

"Nah," I grumbled. "I'm awake. Are we getting out now?"

Darren nodded, gathering his jacket in his arms. I noticed everyone on the plane gathering their things as well, getting ready for plane departure. Most were already standing in the aisle, eager to get a taste of France. Unfortunately for me, I wasn't here for sight seeing, I was here to commit a murder.

"After this, we only have a ten minute taxi ride, so we should arrive at your place soon." Darren told me, slinging his bag over his shoulder.

I zipped my bag shut, the folder safely inside. I still hadn't found out much about Jared Ross, the man I was meant to murder. The most the folder revealed was his full name, age, and conviction reason, and date. No evidence, and only one photo. The folder hardly did me any good.

"Let's go," Darren said, making his way down the aisle with me tailing from behind. The minute we stepped off the plane, walking down the stairs to France, I couldn't help but smile. I knew I was in France for a murder, and I knew I was leaving Nate behind for training, but secretly, I've always wanted to visit France. It really was a beautiful place.

"Do they even have taxi's in France?" I asked Darren as we walked out of the International Airport. The both of us had no more carry on then the bags slung around our shoulders, and I was meant to spend a month or two here. Luckily the bag was filled with a huge wad of cash and all my clothes, or I would have never made it.

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