Loki Joins the Team?!

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As the driver pulled up to the tower, your stomach knotted into a bundle of nerves. This was going to be a change... A BIG change. When you stepped out of the car, you noticed your stuff was already being loaded up to be taken inside.

"W-where's Uncle Stark?" you questioned one of the men that had come to fetch you, your nerves making you stutter.

"Mr. Stark is in the middle of one of his projects," the man states rather coolly.

"Oh," you muttered. Part of you was disappointed, but also relieved.

"Actually, a meeting was just called for the Avengers," A woman corrects. "He should be done soon, but I don't see any harm taking you to him. I think it's just the usual talk of another party or patrols."

"R-Really? Thank you!" you smiled.

"Right this way Miss (L/n)," the woman said, leading you into the building.

"Uh... Just (Y/n) is fine," you stated. Formalities made you really uncomfortable.

After being in the elevator for only a minuet or so, the doors opened and you and the woman stepped out. You could hear talking from the other side of the wall that blocked the elevators from seeing the rest of the room. As you went to walk around it the woman stopped you.

"If you don't mind, please allow me to announce your presence to Mr. Stark," the woman suggested.

"Oh. Of course," you nodded in agreement.

The lady walked around the corner and you heard your uncle ask what she was doing there. Though you could hear the woman's response you did hear Stark go, "That was today?" to which you could hear the others start to question him.

"Whoa guys. Calm down. My adopted sister's daughter has just come to stay for a while. (Y/n), come here," Uncle Stark spoke up, making you jump slightly. Not wanting to keep your uncle waiting, you step out for everyone to see. For an avenger assembly, not all the Avengers seemed to be there. Namely, Thor, but also a few others.

"This is (Y/n)? You seem pretty young. How old are you?" The Black Widow herself asked.

"O-oh... Uh... 20 actually," you muttered.

"What is a 20 year old doing moving in with her Uncle?" Bruce questioned with a small laugh.

"Well... I moved from my hometown to a city on Florida's coast with my mom and dad a few years ago, but the recent hurricane kinda left us without any real place to stay. While things got repaired and back to normal back home, my mom thought it was best to come visit my uncle in the meantime," you explained.

"I see. Sorry to hear that," Hawkeye stated.

"I don't think we need to be that sorry. With Tony for an Uncle they'll get everything replaced no problem," Green Arrow stated.

"Having Tony for an uncle is a reason to feel sorry for them," Captain America joked.

"Oh! You wound me!" Tony said sarcastically.

Everyone was laughing and having a good time it seemed. They almost seemed like a family. It was nice.

"So... May I ask where Thor is?" you innocently questioned.

"Stop. Don't be formal. Don't," your uncle said sternly while pointing at you.

"Thor is on his way," Black Widow stated.

"With his Criminal of a brother," Hawkeye scoffed.

"Wait. Loki?! He's on his way here?!" You asked in a panic. You could understand that he was Thor's brother, but he did kinda destroy New York. The idea of meeting Loki gave you mixed feelings.

"Don't worry. We've been reassured that he is restrained. He won't be able to cause any harm," Captain America reassured you.

'Suuurree...' you thought. 'Totally not like he escaped before and tried destroying the world.'

You thought better to keep your thoughts to yourself. Shortly after you thought this, Thor suddenly bolted in. Literally. It scared the crap out of you, but it was also the coolest thing you've ever seen, other than some of your uncles inventions. And just like you were told, Loki was with him, restrained with what you assumed was Asgardian technology of some kind. It only made sense if that was the case.

"Hello everyone!" Thor greeted heartedly before his eyes landed on you. "And you might be?"

"(Y/n). I'm Tony's niece," you explained.

"Hello to you too then, (Y/n)," Thor smiled.

"Hello indeed," Loki muttered sarcastically. Well more liked hissed.

You gave a slight glare, but also felt a tinge of pity for him. Your were once told you, "Evil isn't born. It's created." Somehow, you felt like this was the case for the man- er, Asgardian- that stood before you now. There was an odd sadness about him.

"I know you're probably not thrilled to be here either, but maybe we can at least play nice," you smiled at Loki.

"Him? Play nice?" Tony laughed.

"Oh hush," you shushed your uncle with a giggle. "You're no better when it comes to 'being nice' uncle Stark."

"Hey. I can play nice," Stark defended himself while the others laugh.

"With pretty ladies maybe," Bruce countered as he took a sip of his drink.

"Okay, now that's just not fair."

Everyone started to laugh and relax. Loki still seemed rather... Annoyed? No. Maybe left out was more accurate. Still, something else was bothering you.

"Hey Thor. Why did you bring Loki?" you asked, seeing as how you assumed that Loki should probably be locked away somewhere because of... well... the things he's done.

"Yeah. We're all wondering that," Green Arrow mentioned.

"Well he's going to join us," Thor stated, making everyone, including Loki, look at him with complete shock.

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