The fight finally ends

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Everyone: Error!?/me!?

It was true it was Error but he was extremely different, (for this I'll explain Rems design not mine butyou can imagine him in either way) he was still glitching, however his eyes where dripping a black goop a.k.a hate, and had his soul appear outside of his body in the shape of a heart.

He came out of the portal smiling, he summoned a knife

Other Error: Lets wrap this up


Error: No!-

Before Error could speak Killer was attacking in the bush before getting wrapped by Nightmares tentacles

Nightmare: you dumbass we could get caught if they heard you

Killer: humph!.

The fight started again this time with the other Erro whos attacks where glitches and knives he mainly attacked both of thema s he was sjsit their for backup.

The other Fresh dodged them with his spray paint, while Ink was just digging it normally trying his best not get hit.

Other Ink: Fresh! What do we do!?

Other Fresh: Just try to hang on dude we'll find a way to stop em!

Other Nightmare: you sure?

Fresh gasped and looked behind to see his Nightmare about to stab him he quickly doged and teleported away

Only to be nealry sliced with an axe by Dream

Other Dream: No fair!

Other Fresh: since when do you ever play fair!?

The other Dream shrugged

Dream: wha- I always play fair! Why doesn't other me do?

Dust: well you do look insane

Dream gulped

Dream: that's what I don't like

The other Nightmare was sending multiple tentacles at them, tge other Ink managed to destroy them with some black bones.

Other Ink: Just quit destroying this au!

Other Error: stop running the fun!~ and let us do our job!

Ink: hey that sounds familiar

Nightmare: because you idoit and Error have that conversation every day

Ink and Error started to make some offended noises but continued watching The fight play out

As the fight grew everyone was getting injured, soon the other Nightmare who was injured went next to the bush to heal himself, the ogs where panicking hoping he didn't see them, then Corrupt appeared with only Nightmare [AV] being able to seem him.

Corrupt Nightmare: C'mon Night~ just let me take control and we could win this!

Other Nightmare: you're out of your skull if you think I'll let you take control again!

The orginals where confused but tried not to make a sound in case he heard.

Other Nightmare: Last time you did you caused a whole damn war!

Corrupt Nightmare: it was for us!

Other Nightmare: No it wasn't! It was so you could get more power!

Corrupt Nightmare: oh don't like you didn't enjoy it~ if you didn't why are you still working for Blue?~

This made Nightmare go silent as shock was clearly present on his face.

The orginals did not understand who the other Nightmare was talking to, and Dream and Nightmare suddenly felt a wave of negative energy coming from him. But before any of them could try to piece thing together the other Error yelled.

Other Error: Nightmare! Come on we got a fight to continue!

This cause the Nightmare to snap back into what was happening quickly summoned some tentacles and ran back to the fight

The orginals where left confused in what they just witnessed, Ink let out a huge sigh of relief

Ink: he didn't see us

Cross: yeah but who was he talking to?

X-Chara maybe his equivalent to me?

Cross: Chara don't be stupid

Nightmare: well whatever other me was talking to it must have said something bad to make him feel that much negativity

Dream: I agree... but what could have caused that?

Meanwhile the fight was still going in

Error had Ink pinned against a tree holding a knife next to his kneck

Other Error: any last words?

Other Ink: uhhh.... knock knock

Other Error gave Ink a look and reluctantly responsed

Other Error: whoa there?

Other Ink: behind

Other Error: behind who?

Other Ink: You

Other Error: Behind you?... WHAT THE!?

Error looked behind to see Fresh rushing towards him ready to attack in shock he dodged letting go of Ink

Other Error: ugh! C'mon I was so close to slicing him!

Other Fresh: How do you not see the problem with that!?

The other Error shrugged as he was ready to strike back again, until he felt a slight thouch on his jacket, he looed to see Dream

Other Dream: let's, let boss take care of this au or will just keep fighting

Error thought about it and nodded Nightmare heard and all of three of them left through a portal.

The other Ink let out a sigh of relief and fell on the ground

Other Ink: they left! That good!

Other Fresh: sure is! But there definitely gonna come back, with...him...

Other Ink:... well we'll be prepared!

Ink said with stars in his eyes,vcaising Fresh to laugh they both left. Leaving the orginals confused


Ink: well... thats something you don't see everyday

Error: knowing you you'll probably forget it-

Before Error could finish Fresh came popping out

Fresh: how's it goin' mah brahs?

Error starts hissing a runs out the bush hitting a nearby tree and starts yelling at Fresh


Fresh: always been

The out of now where a Lavender Color Fresh bomb exploded showing Lavender!?

Lavender but with a Fresh (pun intended) look. Everyone except Fresh gave him the "what the fuck" face

Lavender: wlecome here mah Lavenderys! I see you where hiding huh broskies well next time try hiding harder peace out!

The strange Lavender sans said pointing at the other with finger guns, while leaving with another Fresh bomb. Leaving everyone confused

Fresh: I love that radical broskie!

While everyone else was just shocked.

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