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hello love.
i looked at the text, confused. who was it? then i started thinking more.
oh my gosh. it was the guy from the club, what was his name..? shit. oh wait, it was ace.
i decided to text him back, why? because i'm a dumb ass.
what do you want? i respond.
feisty, aren't you?
just tell me, what you want? i asked in annoyance.
isn't is obvious? i want you, darling.
stop with the stupid names. i said rolling my eyes, but in reality i liked the names.
you didn't tell me that when i was holding your waist, whispering in your ear, sending you chills down your spin. hmm?
i got even more chills when he texted that, how did he get my number?
how did you get my number?
don't worry about that, love. stop shaking so much.
when he said that i completely jumped off the bed. was he stalking me?
aww look at you, so scared, i'm not gonna hurt you gorgeous.
get the fuck out of here. i typed with anger.
okay, i'll see you another day, y/n.
fuck he knows my name, i couldn't even respond, i just stood there, shocked. what do i do in this situation? how did he find where i was, he found my number, and figured out my name. okay, okay. just breathe, you must be dreaming, right?
i looked over at my sister who was sound asleep. should i sneak out? i know it was a stupid ass idea but, i might see him again. he's just as mysterious as i am. oh fuck it.
i wrote a note on a piece of paper and set it on my sister's counter top, i put on a pare of my sisters shorts with her zip up hoodie. she won't kill me for stealing her clothes, i'll give them back. i put my her white converse and slowly walked out the door, shutting it quietly. as i closed the door i bumped into a familiar chest.
"i knew you were gonna come out."
i turn around slowly, look up and see him. he was tall as hell, damn.
"just tell me what you want, please."
"you're so desperate, i love it, but i already told you."
i roll my eyes.
"i just wanna know how you don't know me?" he chuckles.
"i've never seen you before, ever."
"well, here's a hint."
i stare into his deep brown eyes.
"i could kill you right here, right now."
holy shit, how did i not realize. he's in a fucking mafia.
"does it make sense now?"
i nod my head slowly.
"what, you scared? don't be, like i said. i'm not gonna hurt you."
"but why?" i question stupidly.
"you'll find out soon."
i scan him up and down.
"i should just go now"-
"no, don't," he cuts me off.
"well, i already saw you. what else do you want?"
"let's go somewhere, and know each other a little more, what do you say?"
he asked putting his hand out, waiting for me to take it.
i think for a moment, i mean he said he won't hurt me, and he does seem cool, whatever.
i take his hand and he smiles.

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