Wednesday August 4

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do you ever just want to die??? thats all i had to say... also I started 10th grade a few days ago and the school is already protesting against the dresscode and shit and its only my first week- ofc im all for it in fact i got dresscoded the first day of school for rips in my jeans that weren't even bad bc our new principal is a fucking creep and a pervert and im trying to get un-enrolled from the school and homeschooled which i hate to leave my bf there by himself but i cant deal with that school its a literal shit show. and they had a meeting with the students about the dresscode and the assistant principal was making racist, homophobic, sexist, and transphobic comments like really badly and the students were screaming at him for it as they should. idk but on friday their protesting and im joining them and if they make us leave i'm just gonna call my dad to pick me up and if he cant ill ask my aunt so theres that ig.... xoxo

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