right infront of me

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💕chesters pov!💕
Upon opening my eyes I see Parker waiting for me to to wake up.
"Chester!" Parker yelled. He hugged me and I immediately got butterflies, he had his computer on his lap and he was checking the email for our YouTube channel. They where flooding in by the second.
"Hey wanna go get some
food??" The word "yes" poured right out of my mouth ya see we had a sleep over last night and I seem to be pretty hungry for some reason in my head I was like when we get there I'm gonna get sooo much food but Parker was there so I wouldn't do it but if I was alone I TOTTALY would haha, we jumped into the car I was in the passenger and Parker was in the driver seat...
"Hey parker...?" I said before I was interrupted by a women running to us I was kinda bummed because I was hoping that I could spend time with him without geting recognized:/ rolling my eyes I put on a smile and my sunglasses and I wait for her to come closer, when I get a little better look I realize it's my sister!! I look over at Parker he seems to see it's her too she finally comes over so I remember that I can take my glasses off.  we chatted for a while and finally it started to get dark so we headed out back into the house "we never got our food:(" he said in a sad tone "don't worry I'll order a pizza!" I state "it's on me" he smiles

268 words:>

clearly true love<3 - chester and parker fanfic:)Where stories live. Discover now