Chapt 2: Get together

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After Linda died her kids decided they wanted her house so they removed the body

"Charlie we need to get ride of the body"
"Okay harley Linda is lowkey fat tho"
"Nah she only got a fat ass harley"
"Jason that's literally our Mom"

The grabbed her computer and found her only fans they saw her latest and ONLY subscription it was this weird GILF bitch name "Barbaraishorny69" They searched her up and found her address.

They dragged their mom to the big white truck van car and threw her in the back. Then threw it back cause it's never too late to twerk ahah. They started the 1 minute drive to barbara.

As they pulled up they noticed that the lights were all off and flies were surrounding the house.

"Hmmm she must be dead yall"
"yeah no shit charlie"
"Jason ur so fuckin annoying"
"this is why our mom was mom to you and MILF to me"
"Ur such a whore"
"Uh thats sus bruh yk i have a degrading kink...."

They pried open the 100th floors window where most the bees were meeting and threw their moms body into the house. Hearing a loud THUD knowing she made it in... "safely"

Barbara X Linda (Linbarb)Where stories live. Discover now