An introduction

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(Im trying a different form of writing)

Im y/n and i live with my dad and mom .My father is Babe Ruth so that never gets boring.I love him but I always keep it a secret because then people will only want to be my friend and it's not fair.

So today I'm moving to California my dad signed something so were gonna stay here now.some people think that we move around a lot but in reality my dad gets on planes to go places it honestly doesn't bother me.

This morning I got up only to find my parents were gone .They're in New york for a couple days.I don't know why they never tell me anything its so weirdly annoying but whatever.

Today I decided to leave the house with a bat and glove because I saw some boys who were walking to some boys hangin around and they said they play baseball so why not go there

"Hey,im y/n " I say "im benny nice to meet you" he said.Wow benny was a caramel brown and he had dark brown curly fluffy hair and he smelled so good. "I noticed that you guys play ball and I was wondering if i could play to"Obviously these boys weren't open to the idea of a female playing.After that a boy with glasses and a striped shirt says  "A girl playing ?No way!"followed by laughs ."Maybe I'm better than you!" Let me tell you how shocked he looked after I said that.His mouth opened wide and he took his glasses off and rubbed them on his shirt,I later learned that his name is 'Squints' I'm pretty sure that was just a street name me because I also learned the rest of their names -and boy they were odd.

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