Crossed the line

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You looked at Death and said

"No, no, no. No." You fell to your knees and began to cry. Death came to your side and said

"A chosen council member came and took her a few months ago. They sent a note back yesterday. It read

'We no long have a reason to attack you. The problem was taken care of. We killed her.'" You got up and went to Death's mirror. You looked into the mirror and growled. You clenched and unclenched your fists. After awhile of you fuming you punched the mirror, cracking it. You pulled your hand away from the mirror, you knuckles bleeding badly. The glass on the mirror fell to the ground, shattering to pieces. Death looked at you wide eyed and said

"(Y/N), are you okay?" Your knuckles healed themselves and you said

"I'm fine." You began to walk towards the door. Death called after you

"(Y/N)! You said you wouldn't leave!" You turned back towards him and said

"I have to go back! They took something of mine away now it's their turn to suffer!" You teleported back to the chosen world and walked into the Chosen Council room.

"Who's brilliant idea was it to kill my daughter?!?" You asked walking in front of the Council members. They looked at each other and said

"Majesty, she could have been a threat." You ran up to the perfusion who said that and whispered in their ear

"You made her look like a threat. You saw what you wanted to see. Don't tell me she could have been a threat. I could have been a threat! But you didn't kill me! You and you're idiot rules! Meaningless laws! This isn't the end! A war is coming and you better be ready!" Your voice grew when you said you could've been a threat and you walked in front of the Council. When you finished your statement the scrolls and laws were burned along with the court room. The Council members got out of the building because they knew once they were burned by your flames they would never come back. You walked out of the building and said

"This isn't the end. They crossed the line this time. And I'm not stopping until every last Council member has burned." You walked into your manor and said

"Sebastian! Get my horses ready! We are going to burn the chosen world to the ground if we have to, to find every last Council member and burn them." Sebastian bowed and said

"Yes my lady." He looked into your eyes and saw the flames of anger growing. Your eyes turned blood red and stayed that way. Sebastian had never feared a Chosen Child so much.

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